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Rush Period

152 U7omen

By Alison Fields

By Nathaniel Lewis

Sl-nfor Editor

Mt11TXJ1f•Nt•ws Sr11f/

Frats Enjoy

Fraternity rush concluded last
Friday when bids were distributed
in the Hall of Presidents. Out of
the 365 men in the class of 2003,
205 went through the process of
rush. Of these men, 195 received
bids and 173 accepted. T~is
means 47 percent of sophomore
male.~ joined the fratcmi1y sys1em.
This year ·s rush marked the
change to a new fonnat. Beyond
each house's individual events,
two nights of open houses were
1dded. These additions made it
manda1ory for every man going
1hrough rush to visit each house
for 30-minute blocks of time. For
these visits. men were broken al·
phabctically into groups of30 and
advised by a rush counselor
known as a "Bro Chi."
"'I was very pleased with rush
this year. I feel that the implementation of rush counselors along
with the open house made the
houses more approachable dwing
rush. The fraternity system can be
somewhat intimida1ing and this
whole process helps eliminate that
feeling," ln1erfm1cmity Council
(IFC) Presiden1 senior Joe Bame,
Director of Fraternity and Sorority affairs Simi Wilhelm added,
"The move to a rush counselor
system for 1hc men and the round
of open houses is something we'd
like to sec again. It increased ex·
posurc for all the houses and provided potential members with
more and improved infonnation..,
Wilhelm said that the ideal for
rush is for each new member class
to be about the same size. S)le felt
that the new format might have led
to a step in that dircc1ion.
"My theory is that, on some way,
11 contributed to an evening between the houses," Wilhelm said.
..The numbers between the new
member houses are more even
than they have been in years before."
Those within Rl$h had varying
reactions to the new system. "I
think that the intenti011$ behind the
new system were good, but it be·
came a rather tedious process for
1he sophomores involved," Phi
Delta Theta Prcsiden1 Poler Oapier
said. "I think a 101 of minds arc
made up (first-year)."
Oapier suggested that such open
houses might have had more of an
impact if they occurred during the
spring of the previous year. Ncvcnhcless. he appreeiatcd the effons made by the IFC.
"I think tha1 gettin& guys down
to all the houses is helpful in making bener infonned decisions," he
President of Theta Chi senior
Eamon DePcter felt that the new
fonnat made a small but noticeable difference.
"I think it helped some kids who
didn't know about all of lhc



This year's sorority rush period
brough1 another strong and sue·
c:-cssful recruitment of women for
Colga,e ·s Greek sys1em.
This year. 235 women signed up
for rush and 185 were offered bids
wi1h 152 women accepling a bid
lo one of the U111vcrsi1y's four so•
rorities: Kappa Alpha Theta
(Theta), Gamma Phi Beta
(Gamma Pho). Kappa Kappa
Gamma (Kappa) and Delta Delta
Delta (Tri-Dell)
The number of bid acccp1anccs
rcpn:scnts a Greek system part1c1pation rate 39 percent rot Ihis
year's female sophomorc.s; a fig.
urc sligh1ly less than last year's
participauon rate.
Yet, according to Director of
Fratcrni1y and Sorority Affairs
Simi Wilhelm. 1hc rush process is
more qualita1ive than quantitauve.
"If only 50 women went 10 rush
and had a great time and got
placed, 1ha1. 10 me. would s11II be
a success," Wilhelm said.
"The interest in being mvolved
with Colgn.1e's Panhcllcnic system
has hardly changed over the last
couple of years.'' Vice President
of Recruitment junior Ca1hcrinc
Hasman said.
Many attributed the over.ill sue•
ccss of this year's rush to the work
done by rush chairs and rush counselors. also known as Rho Chis.
"This year, absolu1cly every
rush counselor did 1he1r job really
well," Wilhelm saod.
"The coordinati on 1hat went
between the Panhellcnic Council
ond rush chairs wa.) very smooth
and each chair 1hat I was in con·
1act wi1h did an cxccplional job
with their very difficult rnsks.''
Hasman said.
Many of this year's Rho Ch,s
joined 1he rush program because
lhcy were interested in supponing
1hc prospective new members
1hrough a process they had com•
pleted only one or 1wo years car·


Colgate Remembers Trustee President
By Mica~ Sa1eblel &

Jenica Whitt
~11h>r Editor,

Long-time friend of Colgate
and Chainnan of the Board of
Trustees Wm. Brian Little '64
died Sunday ofcardiac arrest near
his home in Manhattan.
As construction continued
throughout the week on Little
Hall, the new an and an h;st0ry
building, a gift of the Little family, news o!his death brought personal sadness to members of the
Colgate community.
"No one was more dcdicalcd to
Colgaie University and the ad·
vancement ofColgate. He was always positive. understanding and
decisive. There arc not enough
superlatives to say what he has
done for Colgate and what a big
loss this is," Vice.Chairman ofthe
Board of Trustees Bruce Calvcn
"'Brian Lit1le was a defining
presence at Colgate: elegant, decisive, working for the college
with a personal authority and respect that is rare at any point in
an insti1ution's history," Provost
and Dean of the Faculty Jane
Pinchin said.
Na~ a trustee in 1987, Linle

spent untold amounts of time volunteering to help his alma maier.
Before being named Chaim,an of
the Board of Trustees, Little
served as Chair of the University's
Finance Commi1tcc.
Under the leadership of fom,er
University President Neil Orabois,
Little was highly involved in Campaign Colgate, the most successful fundraising effort in the

,...., ,..,,., ,jjo/M H . . . .r,I
~ Donald

.....,..64, W'dliam

8towne '67 and Wm. Brian Little
oullide rh< Scuda n Union.
University's history, raising 158
million dollars for the school.
Named Chainnan of the Colgate
Board of Trustees in 1996, Little
played a major role in lhe search

and selection of Charles "Buddy"
Karclis, the University's four·
tccnth president. Karelis credits
Little with his valuable dedication
in easing his transition during his
first year as President.
'"The amount of time he gave
to Colgate in my first year was
uncanny. He just made himselfso
available," Karclis said Tuesday.
"'Little traveled as a volunteer
for Colgate 10 get 10 know Colgate alumni. parents and friends.
He was more interested in others
than he was in himself." Vice
Prcsidcn1 of University Rchuion.s
Rohen Tyburski said. "Colgate
has been blessed by his leadership
because of his appreciation oflib·
cral arts, commitment 10 Colgate.
interpersonal skills and terrific in·
"One of1hc few people I know
who served in such key leader·
ship posilions who has been such
a good friend to so many people,"
Tyburski said.
Coinciding wi1h his personal
commitment to 1hc school. Liule
generously dona1cd gifls 10 in·
crea~ the opportunities available
to Colgate studcn1s. Most no1able
arc Little's two named gift..~ -1hc
unfinrttJnlu111ed on page J

Ambinous Pla:ns for Lower Ca.mpus Renovation
site, which, according to Spiro,
will take no longer than lwo to

By Lisa Wlsalew1kl
Maroon.News S1af

three weeks.
Little Hall, the University's new
Art and Art History building,
should be completely built and
open for classes by late November, according to Vice President
for Adminisntive Services Mark
Spiro also said that the University will renovate Cutten Hall bc&iMing in the summer of 2002 and
is invcstiptin& the construc1ion of
a new science building.
Construction crews arc cur.
rcntly laying the roof of Llnle Hall
•-iting a stone delivery that will
a llow them to complete the
building's masonry r ~ . Crews
will then begin cleaning up the

Spiro said that since the building is now entirely enclosed, he
expects that harsh fall and winter

,..,. ., w;1,;,,.,, M11wi,
CUTlENCOIIPLn wilbo::::t:;;;mnodclodbctwcc112002and 2003.



weather will not dcl:1y progress on
its interior or ullimntc complcuon.
Landscaping of1he area in front
of Persson Hall wil l begin m
Recently. members of the sc,.
encc dcpanmen1 oppro,1chcd Spiro
and Provos1 and Dean of the Fae·
uhy Jane Pinchin 10 ar11cuhue 1he
need for a new science building.
While Wynn Hall provides houS·
ing for the chemistry department
and Olin Hall provides housing for
the biology and psychology de·
panmcnts, the geology and phys·
ics dcpanmcnts find themselves
cramped for space m Lathrop I lall.
The new building. plans for wl11ch
arc currently bcmg made. will 111·
crease lab and clas:,room space for



Math Magician

Colgate vs. Fordham

Young Entrepeneur Procrastination

New tradi1ions begin to
Dlllkc homccomins more
fun forall/ page2

Amazing mathema1ician
wows audience with
innovative tricks/ paga 2

Homecoming weekend's
big event happens Satur.
day at I p.m. / page 24

A young Hamilton resident
has dreams of becoming a
filmmaker/ paga 13

Christina Caldwell, Psy D
g1Vcs tips to fight procrus·
tonation / page 6

Arta & Futures
Colgate Sports

page 13
page 24
page 10

PRST STD u.SPo,ta_g~ P&1d
fbmd1on. NY Pc-nn11 #J4


September 22, 2000



Enthusiasm Generated for Homecoming
By Martin Bair
AulSIO/lt Nt''"''' I::Jltor

Colga1c celebrates i1s annual
Homecoming this weekend. Ac•
cording to Home<:oming Committee Chairperson senior Omara
Hernandez, it will be the
University's most ambitious
Homecoming ever.
--1 just hope that people will get
excited about i1." Hernandez said.
..(The llomccoming Committee]
put a 101 or planning into it."
Over Sl,000 has been spent to
ensure that 1hc weekend's even1s
remain free.
Hernandez said 1hat 1he committee had debated running a spiril
week prior to Homecoming weekend, but decided agains1 1he idea
because of s1udcnt apathy and instead opted for two ''spirit days."
Thursday, the commiuec reques1ed students wear certain colors assigned to 1hem by their class
year. Friday, students arc supposed
to wear Colgate's colors; maroon
and white.
"Homecomings were such a big
deal in high school," Hernandez
said. "I came here my freshman
year 8nd it was such a disappointment - there was no celcbra1ion."
She hopes that by helping to stir
school spirit, sporting events will

dium, with Mr. Ed's Family Resbecome more exciting.
Hernandez said that the com- taurant providing ftte catering and
mittee has built on the work be- Bacchus providing free mocktails
gun last year by former Student beginning at 12: IS p.m. Colgate
Government Association Presi- will face Fordham College in a
dent Tommy Campbell '00. Face football game at I p.m. A concert
decals, T-shins, pennants, buttons featuring mcmben of the Colgate
and car stickers will be made Thirteen from the 1960s and the
available during the weekend so present will take place in Memo,,
1hat students and alumni can show rial Chapel at 8 p.m. Homecoming weekend activities will end
their school pride.
Homecoming activities will bea wi1h a pany in the Parker Apangin on Friday with a parade spon- rncnt Commons at IO p.m.
.. I 1hink homecoming is more
sored by the Office ofAlumni Affain from the Sapcntein Jewish about the feeling you get when
Center to Whitnall Field at 6 p.m. you're at the game," she said.
A bonfire and pep rally on "People should be cheering,
Whitnall Field will follow the pa- showing their support and standrade at 6:30 p.m.. with free ham- ing up at the game," Buckley
burgen and hot dogs provided by added.
The Homecoming Committee
Marriot Food Services on a first•
was supported by numerous Stu·
come first•scrvc basis.
"I think we•vc found that there dent gro\Jps on campus, includis a lot of Colgate spirit but people ing We Funk, the Office of Residon't realize it until they are away dential Life, the Colgate Activifrom the institution." Assistant 1ics Board, the Asian American
Director of Alumni A ffairs Pat Student Association, the BrothBuckley '98 said. "This is just a ers, the Sisters of the Round
way to let it build a little earlier," Table, Konosioni and the StuThe coaches and captains of dent Government Association.
Colgate's athle1ic teams will speak The commiuc also sought addiat the pep rally and the Colgate tional funding from the Budget•
Thirteen will perform in the Pub ary Allocation Committee, lhc
Deans and 1hc academic depanshortly after its conculusion.
Tailgating will begin Saturday men1s.
at 11 a.m. nc,tto Andy Kerr StaHernandez said she hopes that


UF1il IJ1,\ll(HJ


NEW SENATORS 1i1 back and iw in dtc advice of dtcir
aenior counterpart.I at the Student Government Aaociation

Scna1e Oricnlation, held on Tuaday at dte Colgate Inn.
the first-year and sophomore
classes pay attention 10 what
goes on this weekend so that they
can continue on the traditions
implemented this year.

"'This is almost like recreating
the homecoming experience for
[the first-years)," she said.
.. Maybe in five years we can
have that school spiril week."


Math Magician Entertains



By Lauren Bregman

He even decided to wc.ar Colgate
bo.crs, which he Oauntcdhalfway
On Monday night. University
Most s1uden1s and other memfaculty and students gathered in bers of the Hamilton community
Lathrop Hall with Village resi- who auo.nded Burger ·s lecture
dents 10 hear l!dward Burger give were impressed.
a lecture he e1uttlcd Magic w,th
"It was fun and intcrcs1ing~ the
A{atltematic.,: ls 1J,eformulafaster lecture got 10 the applications of
1hat1 the eye? EvCII)' sca1 in the lec- math," sophomore Josh Park said.
ture hull was filled
"I though, it was creative," first•
"If you ha1ema1l1cma1ics 1f1he year Dan Cain said. "By showing
sight ofan equallon makes you ill the connection between ma1h and
1f you thought you would never magic, [Burger] demonstrated
go 10 n ma1h lcc1urc, this presen- how people who aren't interested
tation is for you!" Burger said in in going on in mathematics can
his advertisements for the lecture. still find it interesting."
Burger's lecture began with a
At the end of his demonstration,
brief movie tha1 was inspired by Burger stated his thesis. "The
Jimmy Buffet's ..Math Suks." Af- many similarities bc1wccn magic
ter showing 1his video, Burger and math seem mysterious and
wcn1 on 10 prove 1ha1 ma1h has have a surprising outcome. It is
some wonderfully exciting and intellectually exciting to discover
magical applications. for ex• their secrets - it's an anis1ic and
ample. Burger did lricks with pen- creative journey;• he said.
nies, with ropes and scarves. and
The lecture was co-sponsored
with playing cards, all involving by the National Science Foundamathematical calculations as well tion and by the Natural Sciences
as audience participation, in some Division at Colgate as one of six
way. For his finale, Burger chal- lectures tha1 will come to Colgate
lenged himself to tic a rope to both over the next three years; one
ankles, remove his pants and re- speaker each semester for three
dress hims,:lfwithout untying the consecutive years.
rope between his ankles., but this
Professor of Mathematics Scott
time with his pants on inside-out Ahlgren, who i• responsible for
Somehow, he was successful. Burger's visit, met Buracr in
M11roo,1-Nrw., Srap


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MATHEMATICIAN Edwanl Burgercntmains Village chilclm, during
• Monday night lccgraduale school where they were cake into three pieces in such a
focusing on the same area of re• way that everyone ge1s 1heir fasearch. Ahlgren said that he vorite piece.
brought Burger to Colgate beBurger has rcceiyed many 8Ca
cause he "thought it would be knowlcdgments in the past for
fun to bring a m11h event to Col- his innovative teaching. He won
gate that would appeal to the the 2001 Mathematical Associawhole community."
tion of America Awud as well
Following his Monday night as the Deborah and Franklin
lecture, Burger spoke to 40 stu· Tepper Haimo Award for Distin•
den1s in the math depanment on guished College or University
Tuesday, conducting a talk en- Teaching of Mathematics. He
titled Tlr~ r~xos cok~·Clltti,eg has also received many other
massacre. Ahlgren summarized teachina awards, bu had bis own
this lecture by saying that Burger comedy radio show and has wril·
aaain used math to prove 1hat ten jokes for Tlte Toltlglrt S"'1w
three people can always cut a wit• Jt111 UIIO.

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September 22, 2000


University Trustee Gives $1.5 Million for Fellowship Fund
American liberal arts college.

By S..,.ule DeGlacomo
Jlt11001t-Jirw• Stoff

·"This contribution is truly re·

as living costs and travel to and

markable in terms ofamount, tim•

from Oxford will be covered by
the fund.
Only Colgate seniors and recent
graduates who have applied for tl1e
Rhodes, Marshall or Mitchell
scholarships are eligible to compete for the Schupf Fellowship. A
special subcommittee of Colgate ·s
Committee on Graduate Fellowships, which will include the president of the University and the provost. will assume the responsibility of choosing the redpients.
The idea of the fellowship developed after conversations between Schupf and University
President Charles "Buddy"

Colga1e alumnus and Trustee

ing and purpose," Vice President

omeriius Paul J. Schupf ·ss has

for Universily Relations Robert
Tyburski said in a press release.
"It represents • great partnership
wilh a dedicated alumnus and philanthropist who wants to help the
college take a major step forward
in advancing academic opportuni·
ties for its students...
SchupfFellows will be allowed
two years of study at St. Anne's
College, one of the 39 colleges
which comprise Oxford Univer•
sity, Fellows will pursue studies
for a second Bachelor of Arts de·
gree or a graduate degree. Tuition

endowed the University with a
$1.S miUion fund IO send up IO two
graduaia each year IO study at St.
Anne's College al Oxford University.
Althoul!h similar to many nationally and in1ernationally recos·
nized scholarships such ss lhe
Wa1son, Rhodes, Mitchell,
Churchill and Fullbright, the
SchupfFellowship will be offered
only 10 Colpte students. It is the
only fellowship offered exclusively 10 students of any one

costs and additional expenses such

We Route For•••

Little's Legacy Leaves Lasting Impression
conrinudfrom pag• I

"When he was giving financial

support to the college, it related to
his own varied interests, They
were interests which reflected

him," K.arelis said.
.. He epitomizes the Colgate

spirit," Tyburski said.


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..My last meeting with him was
over an ice cream cone on the

great lawn ofColgate after gradualion. He was laughing, eating ice
cream and talking abou1 1he great
celebration that we were planning
for the opening of Little Hall next
May," Professor ofFilm and Video
John Knecht said. ''That building,
which will stand for centuries, and

P1111,,,h•,ur LR S1udHt Fawl

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"He was good at mal...ing the
little things in peoples' lives more
important," Tyburski said.
Little graduated from Colgate in
1964 with a degree in political ~cicnce. After Colgate, he anaincd his
M.B.A from Harvard Business
School in 1967. and later founded
forstmann Linlc Co. with
Theodore J. and Nic holas C.
Little is survived by his wife of
37 years. Judith. his daughter
Jacqueline of San Francisco, son
Gregory of San Francisco, 1hrcc
grandchildren and his father, William of Santa Barbara, California.

these departments.
According to Dean of lhe College Mich..,I Cappeto, the renovation of Cutten Hall wil! give it
a look that "mirrors the collcse."
A new f~ade, gabled roof, clearly
defined entrance and fourth floor
will be added.
"The renovation ofCu1tcn Hall
is the most expcnsivcconstruc1ion
project ever undertaken at Col·
gate, " Cappeto said. "Surely the
effons will no1 be in vain, as the
renovations will undoubtedly en,..
hance the beauty of the
universi1y's lower campus."
One of1he most innova1ivc features of the newly renovated Cut-

ten will be several "live-in learning centers.., Students with similar academic interests will have
the opportunity to live together in
an intimate setting. Each floor wi II
include double and single rooms
as well as a large lounge where
professors can hold lectures and
students can discuss their classes
and interests.
Cutten Hall will also feature an
improved dining hall that will be
open from 6 10 11 p.m. Students
will be able to use the facility for
late.night meals and study breaks.
The facility will also allow for the
use of c.ash currency, an idea specifically meant 10 draw student$
living in campus apartments and

The ground floor of Cutten Hall
will be guned and converted into
a lounge and student activities
center. A balcony in the dining hall
will overlook this area and Stu·
dcn1s will be encouraged 10 eat
their meals in the lounge as well
as in the actual dining hall.
Next year, 1hc proposal will be
put to bids and con.~truction will
begin in the summer of2002 with
1he renovation of one of the four
houses which make up Cullen
Hall. With the experience gained
in reconstructing the first house.
crews will be able to complc1e the
remaining three houses during the
summer of 2003.



I ·~





which bears his name, will keep
him at Colsate forever. This is a
sad time for Colgate, but will continue 10 be a celcbretory lime
which we honor and appreciate his
kindness, generosity and conviction to what it is that we do here."
··He gave weH-rounded gifts to
benefit all aspects of the community."Tyburski said. ~'His genuine
interest in 1hc well-being of Others was among the qualities that
distinguished him.··
Those who knew and worked
with Little give persona) testimony to his dedication to helping
others and to his "down,.to.carth"

Q ~ Cutten To Be Beautified by 2003

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excellence, there is a fine symbolKarclis.
"Buddy has just completed a ism. too, about providing an oppor·
successful first year," Schupf said. tunity such as this for our most seri..This gin is to assis1 my friend in ous students... Karel is said .
Schupfhas had a long history of
achieving his aspirations for Col·
philan1hropy. In addition to the fel"For 70 or 80 years, Oxford has lowship, Schupf has provided 111c
provided a very meaningful inter- University with 111c Paul J. Schupf
lude for a succession of young Studio Arts Center and the W.S.
Americans on their way to signifi- Schupf Chair in Far Eas1em Studcant careers. As their outstanding ies. Schupf has also donated $3.S
record in open national competitions million to Colby College and mon:
sussests, Colgate students are well than $1 million to Cazenovia Col·
equipped to take full advantage of lege.
..Paul has once again inspired us
t11is wonderful opportunity, and Paul
Schupfhas had 111c foresight to rec- 10 pursue lofty ainbitions, and I am
ognize that fact and make the fel- confident his commitrncn1 will molowship happen. As Colgate contin- tivate others to support Colgate gen•
ues to focus iL~cnergies on academic .crously," Tyburski said.







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September 22, 2000



Campus Safety Blotter
lawn being demapHall by a vehicle.
ported items taken from an unse- 2:31 p.a.: A viaifinarugbypla~
WU injured ... Academy Field and
cured office in Lawrence Hall.
5: 19 p.m.: Fin, alarm a1 Parker llmllpOrted 10Communily ~
Apartments caused by steam rial Hospilal by SOMAC.
from a shower.
7:54 p.m.: A staff member 9:01 p.m.: A student was injured injured after falling at Dunlap
while playing baskelball at Hun- Stands and declined further meditington Gym and transported 10 cal attention.
Community Memorial Hospital 18:13 p.m.: Pirc lllenn at Kappa
Delta Rho caused by a brolten
by Campus Safety.
sprinkler pipe.
1:tl p.m.: Undengc rcsidalll of
3:49 p.m.: Fire alann at Freach- Stillman HaU were fOUDd in poollolian House caused by burnt. llCS&ion of alcohol.
11 :11 p.m.: An ill rcaldent of
6:10 p.m.: Fire alann at Newell Parker Apartmenll wu transported to Community Memorial
ApartmcnlS caused by cooking.
7:00 p.m.: A s1uden1 reported Hospital by SOMAC.
1heir vehicle damaged while
parked in 1he fu,;1-ycar lot.
Saaday, 9/17
8:44 p.111.: fin, alann at Andrews 1:55 a.a.: An officer oa routine
pa1rol found an underage iatoxiHall caused by cigarcuc smoke.
srudent near the Student
8:53 p.m.: Residents of Andrews
Hall were found in posses~ion of Union. The student wu left in the
marijuana, drug paraphernalia care of a roommllc.
2:'7 a.m.: Rcccived areportofan
and a toaster.
underage intoxicated 1tudcn1 on
Frlday, 9/15
Broad Strcct. Campus Safety re5:47 p.m.: Fire alarm at Newcll spondcd and tranlpOrled tbe indiApartments caused by cooking.
vidual IO his residence. leevi"I the
5:47 p.m.: A resident of Newell individual in the care of roomApartments WIS found iujposses- mates.
sion of a halogcn lamp in viola- 2:96 a.a .: Campus Sar.ty and tho
tion of housing regulations.
Hamilton Police O.,U-dil6:36 p.m.: Fin: alann at Newell pened at.,.. crowd OIi tho lawn
Apartments caused by cooking.
of Delta Kappa Epsilon.
3:46 a.m.: A Hamil10n Police ofSaturday, 9/16
olJoerwd a vlal1Dr 10 carnpaa

Wednesday, 9/13
9:56 a.m.: A s1eff member re-





:a, - l ..t

9 Ill' 1

11:1t ....,A,...,.olRu111U
House nponed ::,rend i lllken flom a louaac11:Jt....: PIN llllalll.Nelnll


ApMb...,..w1 u d"1-hm

1:16 p.a.: AIIWlrt =,porlldallDOII boiat hit by A -.tldcle OD
p.a.: Fin almn 1& Beta
Theta Pl ca111e4 by ciprette

Shepard's Mother To Speak
Monday About Hate Crimes
By Katie Dablll
Muro<>n•Ntw$ Staff

Colgate will Jaunch Justice
For All Weck next Monday,
with a focus on stopping homophobia and hate related



Highlighling the week's
events is Judy Shepard, who
will spcak.abou11hc 1998 murder of her son, Mall Shepard,

Ml•day, "11
7:53 a.&: Fire ...... II Newell

a college student who was
killed because he was gay. •


movies and discussions on

11:11 a.a .: Fire alum in

IAwrence Hall -Nd by I dirty

detector. •
-......:,. ,11,
il:53 1.r.: A staff member reported vandoliam 10 tbe _ . ,
bathroom II Dunlap Sttlndt.
,16 a.a.: A IIIUdelll npon,od baing injured after fallina on tbc
stairs in Drab Hall • tbe Jnftousclly.ClmpulSdlly pn,vided

transportation ID Ille Stud•t

Haltb em.. ·
2:31 p.a.: A lllllllnr w foand
in ptlMOlliOll Of ID lltm1ld Col•
pie tempOdlly pa,ldq decal.

There· will be a variety of
each night, with a concluding

benefit concert on Friday.
given by 1he Colgate Thirteen
and the Resolutions.
Shepard, a 21 year-old University of Wyoming student,
was found brutally beaten and

left tied to a fence before he
was taken to a hospital where
he died five days later.
Judy Shepard will show a
video and then talk about her
experience with her son's
death, one that has inspired a

desire for her to put an end to

violence and hate crimes.
Shepard has talked a1 college
campuses across the country and

CAMPVI SA.Off TIP OV helped 10 slart a web sight fa< her
THE WID• HIMiclp perking son, www.mat1hcwsplacc.com.

fl*tS n compriNd of tbe .,._
tin - dltlt i• peinwW.to i.

,_2'--:3'-'5_a._•.;..·_: A..;.studcn=..;._1_reportocl

The s ite con1ains personal

from family. links 10 1hc Human Rights Campaign, news
clips and a link 10 a Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education
network .
Also started by his family is
1hc Ma11hcw Shepard Foundation, a group whose mission
statement is "to help people
abandon ignorance. prejudice
and hate.,.
..This issue is one that is not
really addressed on a large
scale here," Director of Stu·
dent Activi1ies Marisela Rosas
said. "We hope this will en·
courage an ongoing dialogue
throughou1 the week on lcs·
bian. gay. bisexual and
transgendcred issues."
Shepard's speech i~ sponsored by the Colga1c Lecture
series while other events will
be sponsored by 1hc Rainbow
Alliance. Advocates. the
ALANA Cullural Ccnlcr and
the Office of Fraternity and Sorority A ffairs.
"I hope a 101 of people show
up and listen to what she has
to say," Advocates Presidcn1
Natalie McLenaghan said.
"There is not a lot of outright
discrimination here, but people
lend 10 be apathetic. It would
nice to sec people show sup·

memories of Mauhew Shepard


Sorority Rush Brings Varied Experiences
to make a new scedule that was like we instant ly bonded,"
"I wanted 10 be a Rho Chi be- only a week longs<> that the re- sophomore Melissa O'Neill said.
"The best thing abont rushing
cause. as a lacrosse player, my crui1mcn1 process wouldn·1 be as
pledging has been meeting
rush experience was a iiule ab·
normal. As it turns ou1, there members or sisters in the house," so many new people. On the
was a soccer player and a rugby. Hasman said. "Although people quad and in the dining hall, there
player in my group, so 1 could were generally happy 1hat rush is just so many more familiar
unders1and how they felt when would be over more quickly than faces,., sophomore Rebecca
there was confliclS in their they had seen in years pas1, we Nackson said.
..The new members have been
schedules, senior Kristin Bailey did have a bit of a problem with
excited about the weeks
ahead/' Panhellenic Council
'"All of 1hc potentia l new held during the school week."
"Ovcral I, the process went Presiden1 Kris1ie Canegallo said.
members arc going through lheir
own persona) struggles, and in smoothly and about the usual
On Monday. the women at·
that respect, rush can be ex· number of women got an oppor· tended a Panhellenic lnduc1ion
tremcly overwhelming. As a Rho tunity to be placed in a sorority," ceremony to underline their new
Chi. you witness this first hand," Wilhelm said.
commitment to the campus
senior Laura Zanotti added.
With the recruitment process Greek system.
"The ceremony emphasized
Although a condensed rush completed, both new and return•
schedule wus in1roduccd 1his ing sorority members arc look· that not only arc these women
year, some fell th:u the introduc· ing forward to the upcoming joining individual houses, but
tion of school week events did year.
rhcy are also joining a larger sys.
no1 necessarily make the rush
"Even when my pledge sisters tern based on the ideals of phi•
and I first leamed which soror· lanthropy. scholarship and lead·
process more efficient.
"This year we tried very hard ity we were going to be in, it was ership," Cancgallo added.
ct>lft1nu~dfrom pag~ I


New Frat Rush Fonnat Brings Good Result
ro"tmu~d from /H'S" I

houses." he said. "We tried 10
have a good time so when 1hey
came down. it wasn't a waste of
time. I think people liked that
ond we got a few more guys 1han
we would have otherwise."
h is still 10 be determined how
this new format will impact the
future of the fraternity rush .

"I think we have 10 evaluate
it and get the houses and new
members· feedback." Wilhelm
said. "Nexl year's rush pro•
cess may not look like i1 did
this year, but I think we are
com mined to seeing ii again in
some form."
Barnes agreed . "The IFC
knew the system might have

some flaws due to ii being the
first time something like this
has been done and were open
to any and all suggestions that
either brothers or potential new
members had to offer. These
considerations will then be
taken into consideration when
reevaluating Ibis process for
next years rush class:• he said.

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ii)' and to equal .,.Y and leaal

Tho report lddocl that at lcut
one in three women has been
ID some way, while one in four is
llltllecl4urm,prepwy. Despise
,ome propu1, national aovemhave fallcn far short in their

filllnc:ills of reproductive health
ad population propams, paying
only $2.1 billion of tbe $5.7 billion per year that Ibey qreod is
n,eded, tbe report Slid.
l'IIJlaerl Cdl ror New

LIMA. Pert, - While a CfflCeildo
of_louder and mote DltlllCrOUI
oppoaition voices surrounded
Peru's embottlecl leader, • welllP'D'I of popular aupport buoyed
Preaident Alberto Fuj imori on
u he COlllidered the
llep for bis UDCamJI COW>try.
Tine *YI Iller bis uprise call
&,r elections - and the an-

swi1ch party allegiance.
Montesinos is widely believed 10 be the power behind
Fujimori, keeping 1he mililary
in line behind the presidenl.

Fujimori won an unprecedented
third term in a dispulcd election
just 1hree monlhs ago.
The son of poor Japanese immigrants. Fujimori is credi1cd
wi1h ending years ofleftiSI guerrilla violence and easing pov·
erly in many rural areas.
Fujimori bu been working wi1b
Congress on election reform
legislaiion 1hat would prevenl a
president from holding office in
consecu1ivc terms, though he
did IJOI rule out a return to po·
li1ical life in lhe 2006 elec1ion.

Japan ro Ru•me More
WhaUa1 Next Year


TOKYO-Japan will resume research whaling next year, hunl·
ing two species protected by
U.S. law, !he Fisheries Agency
uid Tuesday in a move tba1
could raise the Slakes in a dispule wi1h Wuhingion.
Next year's whaling would be
carried out be1ween April and
July in the northwesiem Paci fie
Ocean and would expand the
whale bunt 10 include Bryde 's
and sperm whales. Bo1h are p tected by U.S. law and debate
still ragea over whether !heir
numbcn bave increased suffioieotly to allow catches.
Japan's six-vessel fleet
cauaht 43 Bryde 's and five
spertn whalca dunng thia year's
bunt, as well as 40 minke
whales from August I 10 Septcmber 16, the agency said, as
part of I two•year program
aimed 11 collecting data in
preparation for a full-ftercaeucb whaling program due
to llart in 2002.
Japa, last week angrily lo a U.S.
decision to ban its vessels from
fiahina in U.S. WIien and urged
Wuhingtoo not to impose sanctionl. lapm•ys ill racarch wbalinl, tbe aource of the 3.000-4.000
tons of whale meat sold in the domestic morb:I each year. is permi1led by lntemational Whaling Commillion rulea.


bo ~ n o t ....
par 11D the blllol - ftvimori, with
llil JI ...... ellmhed a ....,.....
- . . OUl'lide bis p,aidoalial
p•bm-.S waved thelecl and white



,.._ iDlo .-1a1y. OpposillH lader Alejandro Teledo,
~ _, .,_ wJclidrew fr9m the prai, . . _ lilll-eff lleolW ... .,._

~!°l'mi'ftomlhll United
~~ _aapporten

meat, Rjeoti::=.~

.,,..,_..., call 11,r eleetiona
ill Mmcll 2001, wllb the new
,._..., to tuc olllcc in July.
But l'lvimori, in tum, sborply
n,jKM,i 11w idea.
'1 bove a mondlle to aovcm
and I will continue govcmina,"
be aid 11 the Tuelday evening
eows coderaace...A tram:itioa
.,_ _Ill? Then: is no way I
will permit 1h11."
Pujlmori's call for new elec-

11- came after Pauvian televilioa aued a vidcotapc showing
dlepn,lidcat's11C1Ctive security
cbicf, Vladimin> Monlelinoa, 11lepdly offering casb to opposition lawmaker Alberto Kouri to

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September 22, 2000



FTC Report Slams Hollywood
Po litics

September 22. 2000

Volume CXXXV. Number IV


Stephen M. Marsl • Christopher J. Wahlers


Alison Pields • ~1iuh Sagtbll'I • Jr.ulu Whitt


with llatlllew Hagarty

~n Danner
e.w-M•naa.,,Ryan Shodt.le-e • C.•-••ry t•.tt•
MIit Rlchtnlh1I • /'1'11....1S,.,h UlftW
Jason Poll ad,• C•ta-tt s,.,u t.fllor

Nalhanltl Lewis• Nf'II• £414.,.

Sarah Otptw •Arb.,.. Fn1•n-• t".411.,
Me,:.1n Slrt'tler • f'llo..1r•pll) l'Altor

Yuh' Amir• Manin Bair • Otrtk Hom• Matt Jlolham • Whilnt:)' Morris• LHlty ThompsH
AJ.l1~a..- &litwJ

Break Out of the Bubble
Aner looking through several archived copies of Th_e }1al'O()n-Nev.1s, it.has become appar·
cnt that a recurring theme exists among many of the cd1tonals. commentancs ~ lcners ,to the
editors 1ha1 arc submitted and written for this newspaper. That common theme 1s the discussion of the large amount of apathy that is present on campus. It seems as though much too
often, campus events arc poorly attended by mcmbCTS of the community. And while there
have bc'Cn no1able exceptions to this trend, most students rarely make the time to take advantage of the many unique and powerful cventS that Colgate offers.
This Monday, Judy Shepard will be speaking here on campus. In 1998, Shepard's 2 l yearold son Matthew was brutally beaten and left to die, tied to a fence, because he wa, homosexual. Shepard's talk will no doubt be moving and emotional, but i1 will also fcatwc important messages about ending violence and hate crimes.
Despite the pr=nce ofthis over-used, but nevertheless paniaUy accurate ch'."&e ofcampus
apothy. students will hopefully take advantage of the opponumty to attend this event. Whtie
there arc few instances of outright discrimimuion on campus, such acts of V1olcncc contmue
10 occur throughout the United Stales: stories of hate crimes continually appear throughou1
the news today.
Aflcr hearing Shwe will be made bcner aware of a serious problem in our nation today. This awareness contributes both to Colgate's much-emphasized liberal education and to the individual knowledge and learning tha1 each of us will take from here - students, faculty and staff

Editor's Column
Coverage of the Olympics Not Up To Par
By Yariv Amir
Every four years. despite whatever problems may be going on in the world. the intcma·
tional eyes of the world focus on one place. This year, those eyes arc looking down on
Sydney, Aus1ralia, where the greatest collection of athletes in the world arc competing
against each other for fame, honor and pride.This should be a time when_our country
comes together to cheer and feel pride that our athlc1es arc among 1he bes1 m the world.
But why then are so many people around us turned off 10 the Olympics?
The answer is coverage. The television coverage of the games is terrible. first of all,
events arc shown well after we know wha1 happened. It seems as though we arc watching
more human interest s1orics than athletic contests. Now. I understand that it is very diffi ..
cult showing games to the American public when the games arc on the other side of the
earth, but there has to be something better than what we have now. It is hard to hear thal
an American swimmer won a gold medal and set a world record in the aftemoon, but 1hcn
not seeing the race televised until the following evening is ridiculous.
For example, as a rower I am very interested in what happens in the rowing events
during 1he Olympics. The American men have won lhe World Championships for the past
three years and have gold medal hopes. On Tuesday night, J sat in front of my computer
at 7:30 p.m. watching the splits from their race Oa,sh onto the screen and learned that they
had won their rep by .02 seconds over Romania, advancing to the finals.
Now, the problem is that NBC televised this Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. This just
docs not make sense. There are times when they can televise live events, and the delay
docs no1 nearly have to be as long as it is. Those ofus who live off-campus already know
this, thanks to Canadian television. They broadcast live and actually show the events as
they unfold.
Another problem is highlights. Every morning, I watch Sponsccnter and here who won
what. yet ESPN is not allowed to show any video footage because NBC owns the cxclu•
sive rights 10 them, so instead they show AP stills and use the opponunity to make comments about the poor NBC coverage.
The bottom line is that the coverage just docs not cut it. The Olympics are a sacred
gathering where the best athletes in the world congregate to show what is good about
being involved in a spon. They show us what ii means to represent our count,y and battle
it out with the best the world has to offer. They show us things that we only dream we can
do. I only wish we could actually sec them do it, instead of hewing about it.

The Colgate Maroon-News
Student Union • Colgate University• Hamilton, New York 13346
phone: (3 1S) 228-7744 • fax: (31 S) 228-7745 • marocnnews@mail.eolaotc.edu
Theopnnon.s nprts.U:d i.n n , Maroo,.·Nrwt are chose or1he editorial boatd IDd do noc neceaaarily repruent
the views or Colgaie Univenity,
Sub•iulo• PoUcy:
1'11.- Colgate Ma.roo,,·Nrwt aQ:epl& opinion pie«, on ftCWI ciovera,e. cditorill policy Md Univcnity affain.
Ldltf'l from •lumni shoukl incliade Che pw,IIUICH)II yeas orthc writer. All wrilCfl thcMIJd provide• c t ~
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day at S p,m,
Friday publica1ion. We caanoc IIMlrantft' publl,ea1ion ohll submiuiON received. and reMfYt
the rigb1 10 edit (()c" length.


Advtrtlslnc lnform•tlon:
Tlt> Maroon·N~11o:s ....,eicomc.s ~id advenisNnents, The deadline r°' copy is Wcdnt:tday at S p..m ro, FrMlay
publication, We r~r\'t the right to imke fll\ll Judgsemcnl on the sil.e ort.n ad and whether it will be ind..cled
1n lhc IHUC! rNl\lfflcd.

Publb:111111 lalorma1M11:
TM Ct>IJ:or, /tlttft)Otf·Nt"11o7 (USPS 1213"20) is published wtdt1y whal e-laaa we in MUioa by the "'*811 or
Colg11ce Univmi1y. ~btcrii,cion price is SlO per )'C*, ~ Send addlwl chanpl IO die above..._,

was a little disappointed last week after the Federal Trade Commission released a repon criticizing lhe advenising practices of cntcnainment executives:
Vice President Gore and Senator Liebennan
jumped aboard the moral crusade, immedi·
atcly criticizing Hollywood.
The repon found instances in which advertisements for R·ratcd films were shown
during 1elcvision programs that had, what
the report called, a significant percentage
of viewers under the age of 17 and was part
of a larger claim that the industry regularly
markets violent movies and video games to
children too young to buy them legally.
Gore threatened the entertainment industry
with a six-month time limit to make the
necessary changes to their advertising techniques, before the federal government
would be forced to intervene and enforce
more regulations.
I understand Gore's political strategy as
he ancmpts to eradicate his association with
the dissolute and immoral label of the
Clinton administration. Family values arc
a centrist, bipartisan theme that his deeply
religious running mate has espoused over
the course of the campaign. Furthennorc,
many political analysts believe the swing
voters who will dctennine the outcome of
the elec1ion are independent or moderate
white middle-class voters, many of whom
tend to be socially conservative and very
critical of Hollywood. Be this as it may, I
do not think it is the role of politicians to
be moral crusaders. Most pollsters give
Gore a slight edge over Bush. and there·
fore Gore should stick to the p0licy issues
that will have a dcfini1ivc impact on the
future of American voters, such as :duca.
tion, taxes and social security. Blaming
Hollywood forthe ills of society is not only
cliche, bu1 the evidence of a link between
media violence and youth aggression is
mixed at best and hardly conclusive,
The American Medical Association, the
American Psychological Association. the


American Academy of Pediatrics and the
Na1ional Institute of Mental Health all 0-i1e
a direct link however they base their claims
on social science research that has been
heavily criticized by other social scientists.
Furthcnnore, no direct, causal (ink between violence in the media and subsequent
violent behavior has ever been demon•
stratcd, and the few studies revealing moderate correlation have been largely contradicted, sometimes in the same studies. Additionally, despite a proliferation of violent
video games and other fonns orinteractivc
technologies exploding onto the market tO·
day, homicide rates in the United States
have steadily declined over the past decade,
pcreen1age wise, murder rates in the Middle
Ages were estimated 10 be ten times what
they are today in the western world.
When reports such as this one from the
FTC arc revealed, Hollywood becomes an
easy target for public officials, especially
dur1"g a presidential campaign such as
this one where both candida1cs are frantically competing for swing voters. Gun
control was a hot topic of concern to parents after the April, 1999 Columbine massacre. and subsequent legislation ensued
in Congress 1hat decisively divided policy
makers, but both presidential candidates
have avoided discussing gun control in
fear of alienating large constituencies. I
realize the immediacy of decision making during an intense election campaign
and understand the motives behind Gore 1s
criticism, but I am a liule disappointed
that he has chosen to engage in an aggrcs•
sive battle against the usual suspects, and
he, as well as George W. Bush, would
serve us better if they kept their noses out
of Hollywood.
Our country has more pressing problems
than kids sneaking into R-rated movies, and
the candidates could do the American pub·
lie a favor by addressing these concerns.
Regulating who can sec what will only
make the forbidden fruits more appealing
and kids will certainly find a way 10 taste
lhem just as they always have. Furthennorc,
1here is good causal evidence that most vio,.
lencc is learned from personal violent en·
counters, and not by mock violence through
the media and en1enainment. Youth today
report more than ever before that 1heir par·
ents arc their leading role models, so maybe
it's high lim~ that Washington allows par·
ents to do some regulating of 1hcir own.

Procrastination:A Student's Friend
By Christina M. Coldwell, Psy.D.
The "P.. word - it's the curse of many
college students, Procrastination has a
way of sneaking up on you and, all of a
sudden, you're trapped! There are so
many other things to be doing - fun
things! Of course the down side is that
you end up cramming and trying 10 fit
weeks wonh of work into one night.
Studies hove shown thot 27 percent of
studenlS report frequent procrastination,
and when it comes to writing papen that
number goes up to 46 percent! You're not
There are many reasons why you may
put work off until tho 1111 min ute.
Anxiety about your 1rade1 is one oftbe
most common re11on s. When you
know that your work is going to be
evaluated, and you fear a poor evaluation, ii may seem easier to put ii out of
your mind than to overcome the fea r of
I low &r&dc.
Rcbelliousncsa is another culprit be·
hind procrastination. Faculty memben
tell you what work to do, how to do it
and when to do it. Dolayin& tbe completion of usignmentl may help you foci u
if you have some contrOI over your IC·
A third cause of procrastination is
low conscientiousness. It may be that
you simply haven't developed the study
habits or self-discipline that ii takes to
handle multiple assignments. When you
add unCxpccted situations (such as act·
ting sick or an impulsive weekend trip)
on to a!I of those possible reasons to
procrastinate, you may ha ve a recipe

for academic dilute(.


Tips 10 help you fight procrastina1ion:

buy a date book that has enough
room on each day for you to list each assignment and tes1 for that day

break your assignments down into
manageable tasks and set a deadline for
completing each wk

regularly monitor yourself to be sure
that you're stayina on track.

choose one place to do your study·
ing (being in that setting will become U•
soc:iatcd with concentration and focua)

plan the amount of time you will
spend studyiaa

make 1we you're comfortable and
that lbe 1urroundinp are conducive to
completing work.
Once you begin trying some of tbac
thinp you may find that you're laa likcly
to procrastinate. The feelinp of accomplishment will encoungc you to stay on
top of your auia-11. In addition, it's
much easier to really enjoy your down
time wben you don 't have unfinished
work banging over your bead.
If you try all of these tbinp and still
have trouble complctin& your work, tbeD
~ usi1tancc. Two pouible resoun:oa
arc Academic Proara m Suppon and
Coua1cling & Psycholo&ieal Services.
There i1 no need to struggle from Illian·
ment to usignmcnL
You can take steps to make your time
at Colgate both academically and socially
rewardin,. You wouldn't wlDI to pcoc:ras·
tinatc about that, now would you?

Lesser of Two Evils
To the Editors:

Bookstore Prices Are Reasonable

Tribute To Wm. Brian Little '64

To the Editors:

To the Editors:

Thank you for printing W. Bart
Lannouth 's letter in the September 8th
in last week's Maroon-News - •more gen- issue of the Maroon·News regarding the
erally in response to what seems to be a Colgate Bookstore's textbook policies.
serious concern of many would be Nader We appreciate his compliments and rec·
supponcrs. The concern is that voting for . ognition of the Colgate University
Nader is just hurting Gore in the end and Bookstore's commitment to service. Jn
thereby helping Bush. Let's face it, in a ll the spirit of that service commi1mcnt, I
likelihood Nader will not win, It seems am pleased to respond.
The sale of textbooks generates income
that no one who would vote for Nader
would otherwise vote for Bush. so all for Colgate, w hich the University chan·
those Nader vo1cs arc being taken from ncls into the general fund for use in many
Gore - votes that the polls lead us to think areas. including support for a variety of
could make the vital difference in the student-based activities and programs.
coming e lection. We need to be realistic; We use the lowest standard margin in the
accept that Nader will not win. swallow college bookstore industry. and we dis·
the bitter pill and vote for the lesser of count our textbooks between 5 and 2S
percent. He suggested that we primarily
the two evils.
The following information comes from buy books at wholesale prices("$ I for an
a letter to The Na/ion (August 21 issue), $ 18 book, and SS for a $90 book") and
written by Dean Baker at tht Center for set the same buy·baek prices for new and
Economic and Policy Research. First. it used books. This is incorrect. ff I may
is simply false that all the Nader votes borrow his phrase, let's do a liulc more
arc coming from people who would oth- math. lfa book is being used on campus
the following semester, we pay s1uden1s
erwise vote for Gore.
Suppose, Baker begins, that 30 percent half of the purchase price, even if the Stu·
of Nader votes come from people who, if dent bought a used copy. If a biology
1hey couldn't vote for Nader, ci1hcr would book sells for $70.00 used, a student sellnot vole at al1 or would vote for ing that book back to the Bookstore reBuchanan. This is a conservative esti- ceives SJS.00. which makes the actual
mate. So 70 percent of Nader votes come cost of the book $35.00. In the past year
from Bush and Gore. Now imagine Nader alone we paid students S208,000 during
draws IO percen1 of the overall vote, buy-backs and an additlonal $57,000 in
which is (sadly) unlikely. That's 7 per- new book discounts for a total of
cent rrom Gore, right? No. The polls show $265,000.
He stated that "Barnes & Noble would
I Nader vote coming from Bush for every 2 that come from Gore. That works no1 1akc a loss on something like a text·
out to 4.7 percent from Gore and 2.3 from book." Jn fact, market surveys show that
Bush, effectively giving Bush a gain of on-line companies like Amazon.com,
2.4 percent - if, that is, Nader were able B&N .com and Van;ityBooks.com have
to get 10 percent {S percent is more real- lost hundreds of millions of dollars sellistic). As Baker points out, a 2.4 percent ing textbooks al a loss 10 gain market
margin would have been insignificant in share. We do not have tha1 luxury.
As recently as January, the Maroon·
any cf the last five presidential elections;
authored a report comparing the
indeed, it would have been enough Jo
elect the other guy in only three of the prices of the Colgate University
Books1ore's: textbooks with those found
last twenty elections.
ocher on•line vendors. Overall, we
Nevertheless. let"s take seriously the
possibility that Bush will win. It is easy were fou nd to have more books in stock
to exaggerate how serious the conse- and were less expensive than our on.Jine
quences of this would be. It makes us feel compcti1ors {see the January 28, 2000 cdi·
like we're fighting the good fight if we tion).
He claimed that we "fear'' competition
think the enemy is ofan evil unsurpassed.
Believe me, I do not want Bush to win. from non-Colgate organizations, We
But despite what a somewhat sensation- have, in fact, responded to bookstore in.
alistic media would have us chink, if Bush dustry trends by discounting our new text·
were to become the .. most powerful man books, and more importantly, by offering
in America," he could not somehow turn the online textbook reservation service
the place into a larger Texas ovcrnigh1. that Colgate s tudents have praised so
There just aren't enough gallows for tha1. highly in the pas! two years.
Our mission is to aid in the cducolion
The federal government of this coun•
1ry opcra1cs within a system of checks and of the young men and women ofColgate.
balances. and at the end of the day, ii is a We go to extraordinary lcngchs to ensure
prct1y resilient place, We've survived bad that 1extbooks and course materials arc
presidents in the past.
available each semester. The companies
If we want to cut the chances of having he mentioned arc mo1ivated solely by
10 do so again in the future, we should profit and arc not influenced by the par•
seriously consider the pitfalls of a two- . ticular needs of Colga1e University Stu·
pany system. Nader supponcrs do not dent, and faeuhy.
expec1 Nader to become the next U.S.
That being said, we strive to secure our
Presiden1; our goal isa more modu1 one. textbook adoptions from professors earOur hope is to make a lhird-pany candi- lier each year in order to offer as many
date a serious op1ion in the fulure. Or 11 used books as possible and to pay studenls .
the very lcut, maybe we can act some of more money during textbook buy back
the many imponanl but larscly ignored period.
viewpoinb repraenled in the debates.
Leslie Green Guilbault,
Paul Audi '01
Asaitanl Director, Colsatc Bookstore

I am writing in response to the letter
by Hanna Kinne '03 that was published


De , .. feel lllat Celple'a llllenl aru core

..~ . . _ ud ...,lbedoti




...-0,. Bysntidyilt

na)QIC'I llonzomwl

Jewe! AppldN '03

"Ye,, I bell... dleJ IN




a.cc. lhan k>bnnchOUI

,._ Fret... '03
really acat elute•

Mdbaa ADdrew1




Earlier this week. President K are lis
conveyed the tragic news abou1 the death
of Wm. Brian Little '64, Chairman of the
Colgate Universi1y Board of Trustees.
for chose who may have missed 1he
President's memorandum to Colga1e
Community, Mr. Little died of an apparent heart attack while he was out for a
run in New York Ciiy on Sunday, September 17.
In memory of Mr. Liu le. and in 1ribu1e
to the enormous impact Mr. Little has had
on each person who cares about Colgate.
the Board of Trustees has cancc-llcd i1s
meetings scheduled for this weekend.
This will include thi: Open Session of the
Board meeting 1hat was going to take
place on Saturday, September 23.
In 1he near future the Board's Exccu.
tive Comminec will meet to discuss the
possibility of rescheduling the meetings
1ha1 we originally planned for this weekend.
For those member,; of the Colga1c Community who might wish to convey their
sympathy to the Little family, you can
write Brian LiUle's wife, Judy, at the following address.
Mrs . Judy Little
PO Box 963
3 72 Further Lane
Amagansett. NY 11 930
The Board of Trustees of Colgate University will always be grateful for Brian
Little, his life and leadership. Mr. Little
has made Colgate a bcucr place not just
for all of us who care abou1 Colgate today, bu1 for generations of Colgate students who will be part ofColgate throughout the future.
Gary L. Ross
Secretary, Board of Trustees

Stop the Insan ity!
To 1he Editors:
Kudos to fraternity brolher David Fosa
ter for bringing a highly overlooked, yet
gravely importan1 problem 10 the fore·
front of campus issues. Words arc being
careless ly shor1cncd and substilutcd all
over campus without so much as a thought
to whom might be hurt or offended as a
result. The ··frat/fra1crnity" problem is
just the tip of the iceberg. For example, I
have noticed many students referring to
the athletic facilities as the "gym." O n
the surface, the use of this one syllable
alternative to the four syllable tcnn "gyma
nasium.. might seem to be an innocent and
economical use of breath, but I encour.
age us all to follow Mr. Foster's lead and
1ake a deeper look a1 our word usage .
Words like .. ,rat" and .. ,ra1crnity,"
"dorm" and "residcnc-e hall"' or ·•gym"
and .,gymnasium" carry completely different connotations. The former implies
a plae,e where one goes merely to get exa
ercise, while the latter elongated word
describes a space devoted to the beucr·
ment of humankind through mental and
physical exertion.
To those not involved in the betterment
of humankind, the difference in meaning
may not be readily apparent, but I , for
one, did not come to Colgate in order to
exercise in a '"gym" - I came to make a
difference in the world in a gymnasium.
Let me be the first to join fraternity
brother David Foster in begging the
Colgate community to, please, stop reek~
lessty shortening long, albeit cumber·
some, terms!

ftandicirown inlaat&."


1ro111h the core pro.

September 22, 2000

Letters to the Editors

Emily Hirshorn'OI

24 Hour Polley lmpractlcal
To the Editors:


"Yes, 1hey make you
morco(a well·roudcd
lludenl. You are no1
coafincd k> only cllUCI

UI your COIICCldneion..,

After reading last week ·s Editor's Col·
umn, I felt compelled to respond 10 Derck
Hom's sta1emen1, which J feel is both ide·
1l istic and poorly thought out.
Hom suggests that both the library and
the gym should be open 24 hours a day.
He seems to lhi,nk thll this wo,ul~ be both


simple and practical. While from his point
of view this may be true. he is neglecting
to take into accoun1 1hc increased spcm.J·
ing. training ond inconvenience 1h1s
would be for the Univcrsily and its staff.
As a student working in Case library for
the third semester in a row. I'd like to pomt
oul that keeping things running smoo1hly
is more complicated than ii may seem. On
almost every shift, at leas! one unexpected
problem arises that a scmor s1afT person is
needed to help with, I'd like to point out
that the some 1s ttuc during the midnight 10
1wo am shift which is added dunng finals
for 1hc convcn,cnce of stressed s1udcn1s
Keeping the library open 24 hours a day
would mean hiring and training more stuff
people. Student workers can not run the
library themselves and I'd like 10 sec ~:Ir.
Hom go out und find local, qualified adults
to work a midnighl to 8 a.m. shift on a rcgu·
Jar basis.
h seems to me that the writer of this
column is merely looking for a reason 10
complain. College is supposed 10 prepare
us for real life. I think that Mr. llom
might have a hard time convmcmg banks.
stores and the post office 10 work around
his personal schedule and conflicts after
his graduation. Leaving the library and
the gym open throughout the night would
only increase studcn1 procrastination .
And if Mr. Hom has as liule money as he
clauns, then would he really be willing
to pay the 1Uition increase 11 would require
in order to implement his ideas?
Kimberly Whtie '03

Slow Down Stude nts
To the Editors:
Just a short note to the Staff, Faculty and
Students of Colgate University. I work in
McGrcgory hall. I have been lucky enough
ro work here for seven years. Unfonunately, I have seen countless near.cata·
strophic automobile/ pcdes1ri;m cncoun·
r am not sure why no 011e hns been scri·
ously injured or killed by speeding, reckless drivers who really have no reason to
speed commg through 1hc small road behind Mc-Gregory. Lathrop and Lawrence.
I am positive that J have seen vehicles moving a1 an unbelievable 30 to SO mph!
I ain sure thnt 1he memorial service for
the first killed will not console the family
ofthe lost loved one. Slow down, J'm,gucss·
ing 1hc fificcn seconds you lose will make
little difference in your schedule. but you
may possibly s.ave a life.
John Robinson
Elcc1ronics Shop

No Such Thing As A Wasted Vote
To the Editors:
While Ms. Kinne is "very scared for our
country if Bush wins,'' I am far more sen.red
for a country of people that believes voting
is strictly about voting for a winner.
I' ll admit it, f'm a s1aunch Republican,
perhaps even a border line Conservative.
However, the stance expressed by Ms.
Kinne is one that should elicit outrage from
all panics from the Green to the Reform. It
is our right as U.S. citizens 10 vote for
whomever we fee l is best s uited to pcrfonn
the dulies we have assigned to our elected
Ms. Kinne however believes that a vote
for a candidate that does not have a chance
of winning is a waste ofa vote. Wrong! The
only wasted vote in our democracy is one
that is not cast. Any student that has read
his or her American history book knows
Harry Truman didn't have a chance of win•
ning the 1948 presidcn1ial eleclion. The
pundits predicted a Thomas Dewey victory.
The papers even printed headlines pro·
claiming Dewey's victory. I suppose all
those votes for Truman were wasted. Oh,
wait. Truman won even though he didn ·1
have a chance. I guess all those votes for a
candidate withou1 a chance wcrcn 't wasted
after all . Nobody that partica1es in our clcca
IOral process is wasting their vote, they are
doing our great nation a service.
Samuel J. Drown '02




September 22, 2000

Special Interest Groups Cheat The System And Avoid The I egislature

he Uni1cd States cour1s in recent
years have become notorious as
arenas for absurd litigation. We can all
think or ridiculous incidents such as the
woman who received two million dollars


from McDonald's because her coffee was
too hot. However, I do not wish today to
discuss the need for lort reform, pressing
as 1hat need is.
Ra1hcr. J wish to examine a greater

scandal concerning the American legal
system: the use of the courls by certain
parties to ob1ain rcsulls 1ha1 they arc un·
abJc to obtain in the legislature, and con-

cerning matters that have 1raditionally
been considered as appropriate for legislative. ra1hcr than judicial, decision. The
use of the courts to obtain political ends
is very dangerous, as the poli1iciza1ion of
1he judicial process undermines public
raith in the equity of justice and the rule
of law. Two excellent examples or this
phenomenon are the tobacco settlement
and the settlement between the government and fireann manufacturer Srnith and
Wesson. Jn both or these incidents the
power of the courts was used to circumvent democratic processes.
The purpose of a court system is 10 in1erprct laws that have been enac1ed by 1hc
legisla1ure; ii is not the court's place to
enact new legislation. This is a statement
that will require some clarification. as it
is sometimes spoken of judges "making
new law." When those judges make new
law, howe;ver, they arc doing so as part of
the process or interprc1ing existing legislation. When Congress creates a law. the
drafters cannot envision every possible
combination of eircumsrances. and so the
courts mus1 apply general principles to
specific cases. The American legal sys•
rem functions, ultimately. on the basis of
English common law, Under this sys1em,

judges use precedent formed by previous frustrating for people whose thought prosimilar cases as guideposts in applying the cess incorporates the assumptions above;
law to 1he case at hand. When a judge they think that they have identified crufinds no applicable prcc-c dcnt, and issues cial problems in American society, and
a ruling based on principle, this forms a that furthermore they, or perhaps more
new precedent for future judges. and is commonly a favored ..expert," has come
referred to as "making new law.., This up with a "commonsense" solution. Those:
process is, however, ultima1ely subservi- who stand in the way of the implementaent 10 the dem0tra1ie lawmaking of the tion of the solution arc thus simply act•
Congress. Congress, representing, how- ing from selfish interest, and standing
ever tenuously it may seem at times, the agains1 1he disintcrcs1ed expert problem
will of the people. can, ifit deems neces- solver. This ignores democracy. diversity
sary, pass a law that will override all pre- and the na1ure of the political process. De-existing precedents. This is because judge mocracy means that the laws reflect the
made "law'' (prec.edent) is a guidcposl for will of the majority of the people. This
interpretation of laws passed by the leg- meens 1hat the views and opinions of the
people, or more pre•
islature. The objeccisely the electorate,
tion may be raised
that 1he Supreme "Politics is seen as inher- matter a great deal,
Court can find acts ently flawed, and partisan and the American
electorate is very diof Congress unconstitutional, ar,d thus political maneuverings are verse. This means lhat
that those justices at seen always as selfish ob- representatives in
least can make law
Congress renect dithat is binding. This structionism blocking the verse points of view
and legislation must
objeccion ignores
the basis of the Su- path to an objective solu- be crafted by compropreme Court's deci- tion to our problems. This mise. This is not an
efficient process, and
sion making, which
sevthis is where the
is the Constitution.
the highest law of eral subtle but significant temptation 10 use the
the United States.
courts, rather than 1he
legislative process, to
The Consti1ution itadvance policy beself can be amended,
however, by a sufficomes-very strong.
There is no need to convince a maciently motivated Congress. Thus the
Congress, representative instrumen1 of jority of the electorate of the rightness of
one's proposed course of action; it is only
the people. is the final source of law.
The fact that Congress is the source of necessary to convince, to begin with. a
law means that laws arc subject to politi- single judge, Action through the courts is
cal pressures. This is a very inconvenient seen as a bold stroke in the public good,
and distasteful fact for certain people. against the forces of gridlock. Gridlock
Politics is seen as inherently flawed, and however, is very much democracy in acpartisan poli1ical mancuvcrings are seen tion. When a policy is strenuously opalways as selfish obstruc1ionism block- posed by a large segment of the electoring the path 10 an objective solution to ate, anempts to enact 1hat policy into law
our problems. This philosophy, iisclf, has generally don't get very far. This then sets
several sublle but significant flaws. The the stage for compromise, an agreemen1
first, and most critical, is that everyone is hammered out. everyone goes away
can agree on what the problems actually satisfied that 1hey have defended their
arc. The second flaw is the assumption principles to the best of their ability, and
that there is in fact an objective answer life goes on.
to every problem, a ..one best way" tha1
This principle of compromise is very
can be dctcnnined in a dispassionate fash- distasteful to those self appointed carriers of the name of righteousness. They
ion .
The democra1ic political process is very "know'' that they arc on the side of right

and good, and so all who oppose them
must be people who arc wrong and bad,
and the opinions of bad people can be disregarded. This, finally, is where the courtS
come in. Novel legal theories can be used
10 obtain court orders having the force of
law that could never be obtained through
legislative processes. The realities of politics make these ruling,, although theoretically subject to Congressional override,
very difficull to remove in praclice. The
forces of"right" have thu.s achieved their
goal without going to the trouble of assembling a majority ofAmericans on their
The recent tobacco scttlemenl is an ex·
cellent t,i;ample of this in action. Ccnain
people decided that smoking was ..bad;'
and that it had to be eliminated. Now,
smoking is in fact an activity with negative long term health repercussions, but
this has been widely known for some
time; indeed, every pack comes with a
warning on it. In spite of these warnings,
many people continue 10 smoke. The political will did not exist for any sort of
national ban on smoking. This was, in
certain quarters, unaccep1able. People had
to stop smoking; it was "for their own
good." Thus the tobacco suit developed.
The threat of massive, ruinous punilivc
damages was used to compel the tobacco
companies to accept limitations on their
behavior that they never would have cho•
sen voluntarily, and that Congress had
refused 10 impose.
The settlement be1wcen Smith and
Wesson and the government was achieved
in similar fashion. The threat of a bankrupu:y .-using damage award against the
company was enough 10 compel them to
sign a "voluntary" agreement that contained
provisions that never would have passed
Congress. This is basically blackmail.
In bolh cases. novel legal theories of
dubious validity were used to lhrcaten the
possibility of bankruptcy via damage
settlement (the money the tobacco companies will pay out is to be paid •voluntarily'), and compel the agreements. In
both cases public policy goals of certain
groups were achieved even when those
groups had been defeated in the democratic process. The will of the people had
been circumvented, and the power of the
legislature usurped by the court

No Wasted ¼tes Here, Unless You ¼te For Gush or Bore
By John MoCall
very four years when the election
rolls around, liberals and other rcrorm-mindcd voters arc typically
caught in a bind. Do you sit at home in
protest due to lack of choice, or do you
hold your nose and cast your vole for
the candidate that is slightly less beholden to big business interests in order to prevent the bigger corporate behemoth from winning? A classic tale of
choosing between the lesser of two
evi Is .
Well. if you haven't noticed by now. the
last eight years have made it painfully
clear 1ha1 the only thing you're certain of
getting when you vote for the lesser of
two evils is evil.
Just take a quick glance at the last
eight years - welfare reform, NAFTA,
GATT, censorship on the internet, the
corporate-backed Freedom 10 Farm Act.
billions of dollars allocated to the pentagon 1hat the pentagon didn't even ask
for. enthusiastic support for the death
penalty. un relenting support for mostfavored nation status for China. and the
list (sadly) goes on and on.
You would think this is a record that
only Newt Gingrich would be proud of.
But it belongs 10 your very own Democratic ad1ninistration: Bill C linton and
Al Gore. No Republican president in
his wildest rantasies cou ld have
muscled through the conservative legislation 1hat the Clinton/ Gore administra1ion is responsible for simply because Bill Clinton and Al Gore sold out
on principle and bought on to electoral
success a1 all costs.


Not enough proof1 Think back to guy who wrole in his environmental
George Bush's presidency. How many manifesto, "Earth in the Balance," that
times was he able 10 raise 1hc minimum our biggest challenge and imperative is
wage in four years? A paltry one time. to rid the world of the internal combusOver the past eight years, how many times tion engine, ju.st couldn't stop lamen1ing
did Clinton/Gore raise the minimum wage and decrying the high gas prices this sum(bear in mind that a full two years of mer.
This election, we've got a guy in
Clinton's administra1ion was during a
Dubya who wan1s to, in Senator
time that both houses of Congress were
Well stone's words,
Democrat ica Ily"repeal the 20th ccncontrollcd)? You
and another
guessed it, once.
"Do you sit at home in 1ury,"
guy who talks a nice
Remember in
I 992 when I here
protest due to lack of populist talk, but
walks the corporate
were 40 million unchoice,
insured Americans
But wait! All
and record budget
your nose and cast your ye disaffected
votdeficits and Bill
ers. liberals, and re•
Clinton and Al
form•minded inGore were promis•
is slightly less beholden to dividuals, there is a
ing universal health
coverage? Well,
big business interests in choice this election!
Longtime consumer
now it's 2000 and
bigactivist Ralph Nader
1herc arc 46 million
uninsured Ameriger corporate behemoth is running for President, with a Native
cans and record
American activist,
budget surpluses as
LaDukc, as
far as 1he eye can
tale of choosing between his running
mate on
sec and three words
the lesser of two evils."
the Green Party
you'll never hear
1icket. Nader's been
out of Al Gore's
1hcre on the front
mouth these days
protecting conarc universal health coverage. In fact, the
only reason Al Gore mention.ed universal sumers from 1he irresponsible actions of
health care this year was 10 auack Bill vuious corporations.
Nader is speaking out for public financBradley in the primaries for having the
gumption 10 offer a rather tepid plan that ing of all federal elcctio-aettin& the
big money out of politicsl-univenal
would achieve universal coverage.
What about the environment? Bill health care, a living wage law, eliminaClinton's signature is on the destructive tion of the Taft-Hartley Act makin& it
Salvage Rider bill. And 'Ozone' Al, the euier for workers to orpnize into u.nions.

increasing fuel efficiency standards for

a cleaner environment, severely cur1ailing corpora1c welfare, ending "don't
ask, don't tell' in the military and let•
ting gays serve openly. trade agreements that 1ake environmental and labor issues into consideration. not just
the interests of big business-in short,
he's got the spine and the vision tha1
Al Gore lacks.
Still think your vote for Nader may end
up costing Al Gore the election? Well, I
hate to be the one to break this 10 you,
but since New York hu already been des•
ignated by The New York Times as a
'safe'statc for Al Gore. meaning that barring an unforeseen scandal the state is
sure to be in the Gore column come election day, your vote doesn't help Gore all
that much.
Due to the undemocralic nature of the
electoral college, the way yov can really
help Gore is by cutting him a check for
S2S so that he can use it in one of the 10
or so states that arc still 1oss.up1. Gore
will win New York by • sizable margin. so if Nader reaches his minimum
goal of S percent. this won't harm
Gore's chances in the least. That is, if
that's your concern.
Now that Nader's on the ballot, let's J•t
him into the presidential debates so that
we can have a real discussion or issues
and not just a corporate puppet show.
Luckily, we liberals and reform-minded
folks don't have to hold our noses this
year, we can vote our coucienccs by vo1in1 for Ralph Nader. Tbe lut ei&ht years
have shown III that the only real - y there
is to wute your vote is by votin& for the
lesser of two evils.

September 22, 2000


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September 22, 2000



by Bill Amend


,.i.SON, C""'-0

YoV Poss,&LY


8[ ANY



Al!f. YOU
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Foti l>WMR MT



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FOR l AM M &EST...














September 22, 2000



.The Legacy of
..--1-- -- - - - - - - " - - - i Matthew Shepard

Remembering Matthew Shepard:


1111eQIW'EL I eooPM
by CAB: Colgot.e Lecture Series

.,,..,_ •nl.tho-•f-She-



•m, Q:W'El. STEPS I 8:00 PM

co1ege ........- ~ 1998 - ·ho WO$

goy. .a discuss fleto Crime, end how he, •on·•
deeth hen~ the rncwen1e11l i,glNlst hete.

Organized by the Office of the O!apleirll


' - - - - I Presented by Advocates
Mov,o: TBA.


• • •

COO,lAIU:: fhf.a • ._,......,~ HS • •


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~ - - , within Communities of Color


e 7.-'ld9:30PM


I 7:00PM

Join us In• discussion on th9 istoet of W,g e losbien. gay.
~ or tr•.sve,oder pertOn of color,

Pt .... ......


1 - -1


~ , :. _. . . "-k-W...wn-.o..ldoo,,

Praoonted by Advocates

<*fllPl,IIIO.ndMCilendho.1q,f ct.!1 trda,pportW'

I.GOT Hink?



Join lht Rosoh:Aions & Colgete 13 fore~ of greet
• c ~ OonetJont 'MIi be colcaed t o • ~ tho
MM.thew 6hcpord r ~ which worb 'to hotp
people llbondor-. 9'owe. pre;udic4' l9fld hete.• The
Foundfttton h dedceted to ~ pdrq,11 of .helping
peope mow beyond le*rt1nc1 to ll!fflbrece and re;oice
in dM:n;ity."

ror Wo. wlllt - ~........-




8:30 A.M.
1:00 P.M.


12 :00 NOON
5 :00 P.M.


12:00 NOON


4 :00 P.M.



Medical Illnesses
Gynecological Care
Sexuality Counseling
STD Testing
HIV Testing
Travel Immunizations
Allergy Injections
Wellness Education

To better utilize your time and ours, appointments are required. Same-day
appointments are uaually available for acute illneBSes. Please call as early in the
day as poa1ible to schedule these. All vi1its to the Health Services are

For your convenience, we also have a Walk-In Satellite Clinic for minor injuries
and ilhleeNs. The Satellite Clinic 'ia located on upper campus in the Lower Level of
Curtis. Hours are MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 11:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.



September 22 - October 1
Catholic Mass: MWThF, I 2:00 Noon - Judd
The deadline for Colgate Tl,is IVeek ,s lll'.l2 weeks
pnor 10 the date of the event. Events may be submitted by calling Deb Barnes. ext. 7417, by e-mail or
directly through the calendar web page.

Friday, September 22
3:30pm - Science Colloquium/ HHMJ
Speaker : Dr. Barl>ara Vonderhaar, Laboratory

of Tumor Immunology and Biology, National
Cancer Institute, "Prolaciin: The Forgotten
Hormone of Human Breast Cancer" - Rcfreshmcnls 3: 15 - 209 Lathrop Hall
4:00pm - Native American Studies Lecture:
Geronimo Henry, "Lost Generations: Victims of
Indian Rcsidcnlial Schooling in Canada" Persson Hall Auditorium
6:00pm - Shabbat Service & Dinner Saperstein Center
6:30pm - Homecoming Pep Rally & Bonfire:
Cookout, speeches by coaches and captains Whilnall Field - Followed by Colgate 13 concert
in the Pub
7:00pm - \Vomen's Soccer vs. Bucknell
7:00pm - Take 2 Movie: Arli11g1011 Road - $3 Love Auditorium, Olin Hall
9:30pm - Take 2 Movie: Dead Poe/s Society $3 - Love Auditorium, Olin Hall

Saturday, September 23

12:00pm - Field Hockey vs. Holy Cross
I :OOpm - Football vs. Fordham
I :00-5:00pm - Reception and Gallery Talk:
For the exhibition, Pho1ographs by Carole
Co11dtl and Karl Beveridge: Ca11adia11 Poli1ical
landscapes /975-1995 - Gallery talk by
Courtney Bu.-pec '02 at 4:00pm - Upper Gallery, Picker Art Gallery
7:00pm - Take 2 Movie: Gladiator - $3 - Love
Auditorium, Olin Hall
8:00pm - Colgate Thirteen 60's Era Reunion
Concert: Featuring l 960's era Thirteeners as

well as !he current Thirteen - Chapel
I O:OOpm - Take 2 Movie: LA Ca11fide11tial - $3
- Love Auditorium, Olin Hall

Sunday, September 24
I 0:30am - University Church Coffee Hour Chapel
11 :OOam - University Church Worship Chapel
12:00pm - Women 's Soccer vs. Fresno Stale
12:30pm - Catholic Mass - Clark Room,
Student Union
I :OOpm - Field Hockey vs. Vermont
3:30pm - Concert: Cemral New York Jazz
Orchestra with vocalist Dolores Mancuso and an
18-member "big band" - Chapel
10:30pm - Catholic Mass - Chapel

Monday, September 25
No Events Scheduled

Tuesday, September 26
9:00-10:20an, - Peace Studies Breakfast
Meeting: Professor and filmmaker Scon
MacDonald, £lard College, will discuss the work
of Peter Watkins - Ho Lecture Room, Lawrence
11 :30am - Biology Seminar: Laura Katz
Sm,1h, "Through the Looking Glass: Insights on
Evolution from Microbial Eukaroytes" - Refreshments II: 20-301 Olin Hall
11 :30am - Chemistry Seminar: Professor Kara
Bren, University of Rochester, "Non-Native
Conformations ofCytochromes C: Implications
for Cytochrome Folding and Expression" Refreshments 11 :20 - 111 Wynn Hall
11 :30am - Physics & Astronomy Seminar:
Michelle Caler '02, Jeyhan Kartaltepe '03, and
Joe Loomis 'O I - Refreshments 11 :20 - 217
Lathrop Hall
11:30am - \Vomen's Studies Brown Bag
Lunch: National Women's Hall of Fame video
research project presentation with Jamie
Auriemma 'O I, Jennifer Lombardi 'O I, and
Mary Ann Oppenheimer - Lunch provided Center for Women's Studies, East Hall
4:00pm - Humanities Colloquium: Robert
Alter, professor of Hebrew and comparative
literature, University of California at Berkeley,
"The Bible and the Challenge of Translation" Refreshments - Ho Lecture, Lawrence Hall
7:00pm - Men's Soccer vs. Cornell
7:00pm - Alternative Cinema: Ximena
Cucvas, Mexico's video artist extraordinaire,
wi ll present her videos in person - Love Auditorium, Olin Hall
7:30pm - Afrlcana & Latin American Studies
Film: li11es ofBlood: The Dn,g fVar ill Colombia a11d Coureageous Wome11 - 217 Lathrop
8:00pm - Colgate Lecture Series: Judy
Shepard, mother of a hate crime victim, speaks
out about prevention of hate crimes and what
can be done to make schools and communities
safer - Co-sponsored by student activities Chapel

Thursday, September 28
11:30am - Masterwork of the Day: Courtney

Burpee '02, Allgustia Cardinas' sculpture,
Broken Shell - Inner Gallery, Picker Art Gallery
12:00pm - Faculty Features at Midday:

Classical folk music performed by Neva Pilgrim,
soprano, accompanied by Steven Heyman, piano
and Barbara Rabin, clarinet - Chapel
3:00pm - Reading by German Author: Martin
Grzimek will read from Hear1s1op, his book of
short stories - Kade German Center, 115
Lawrence Hall
4:00-6:00pm - Afrlcana & Latin American
Studies Reception: Meet new faculty, learn
about courses and study groups - ALANA
Cultural Center
7:30pm - Peace Studies FIim Serles: Killg of
Hearts, Adolfo Celi plays a British colonel who
orders mild-mannered Scotsman Alan Bates to
undertake a Ii fe-or-death m.ission in a deserted
French village - Persson Hall Auditorium
7:30pm - Center for Ethics and World
Societies Lecture: Jenny Chi Yuen Chan,
(formerly) Hong Kong Independent Commission
Against Corruption, "Corruption and Reform in
Hong Kong: Language, Culture, History" - Ho
Lecture Room, Lawrence Hall

Friday, September 29
3:30pm - Science Colloquium: Dr. James

Jennings, Architect for Pervasive Computing,
IBM and Tivoli Systems, "Towards Cooperating
Robots: Programming for Autonomy, Purpose,
and Collective Consciousness" - Refreshments
3: 15 - 209 Lathrop Hall
6:00pm - Shabbat Service & Dinner Saperstein Center

Saturday, September 30
7:00pm - Men 's So«er vs. Lehigh
7:00pm - Volleyball vs. Navy (Volleyball

Parents Weekend)

Wednesday, September 27
Sunday, October 1
4:00pm - Lecture: Pamela Newkirk, associate
professor ofjournalism, New York University,
author of Wilhin the Veil: Black Journalisls,
lflllile Media, "Within the Veil: The Role of
Race in the News" - Sponsored by Africana &
Latin American studies, Center for Ethics &
World Societies, dean of the faculty, university
studies, social sciences, history and ALANA
Cultural Center - 217 Lathrop Hall
4:00pm - Jewish Studies Lecture: Robert
Alter, visiting Finard Jewish studies scholar,
"James Joyce and the Bible" - Ho Lecture
Room, Lawrence Hall
4:30pm - Art and Art History Visiting Lee·
ture Series: Photographer Bill Barrette will
discuss his recent exhibition at Jan van der Donk
Gallery, Encounlers: Sugamo Prison and Tokyo
lflar Crimes Trials 1946-48, an historical
installation - Co-sponsored by peace studies,
history and Asian studies - Persson Hall Auditonum
7:00pm - Women's Soccer vs. Con1ell

10:30am - University Chutth Coffee Hour -

11:00am-Unlverslty Chutth Worship -

12:30pm - Catholic Mass- Clark Room,

Student Union
10:30pm-CathoUc Mass-Chapel

All events are free unless otherwise DOied. For daily updaies call
the Colgate Events Line.228-7100
or on.. Jme a1 www. colgatc.cdu.


Sepcember 22, 2000

Take-Two Prcsen1S..... I 4

Self: Gizmodg,,y. ....... I4

Young Hamilton Entrepreneur Opens Own
Store With Aspirations Of Fdmmaking Career
By Matthew Holham

glance down the news and updates page

~Lftant ATU and ,.-«ilwa Editor

shows you how quickly Egostylc.com is
growing arid improving.
Another feature of his c-busincss is that
for every $25 dollars spen~ Riedl promises

Think back to your freshman year of high
school-filled with so many exciting new prospects, so much more work than junior high,

Amanda Stephenson
By Mary Kate Walden
Maroon-Ncv.-s Su,jf

S0phomorc Amanda Stephenson from
Elizabethtown, Pa. has put a great effort towards addressing issues that affect Colgate
and its student body. Stephenson has
proven her dedication 10 and involvement
with current issues not only at Colgate, but
al.so on the national and international level.
Stephenson is currently Co-President of
the Colgate Society ofFeminists and SCTVCS
on the Executive Board ofthe Sl\lden1Govcmmen1Associa1ion (SOA)as its Elections
The Colgate Society of FcminiSlS, staJ1Cd
last year. addresses and promotes awareness of issues such as sexual violence
•&*inst women. eating disorder.;, reproductive rights and pay equity.
As co-prcsiden~ Stephenson is currently
in the process of organizing and obtaining
sponsors for a trip to Wa.,hington D.C. to
attend the World Man:h for Women. This
event will include delegations from over
ISO countries and 1,000 non-profit organizations from around the nation to participato in this m&n:h against violence and poveny.
As the Elections Commissioner of the
SOA, Stephenson runs elections and helps
10 plan senate meetings. She recently completed the daunting task of running elections for Student Senate and Class Council
and. in the spring, will run the elcc1ions for
next year's SOA elections.
This summer, Stephenson devoted her
time to working for a non-profil organi.z.a..
tion for refugees in Harrisburg, Pa. Her
work included drawing up grant proposals,
performing translations and taking on administrative and clerical du1ies. The nonprofit organization, called h,teumtional Service Center, saves refugees &om war-torn
coon1Jics by IC8Ching them how to begin their
lives and function in a coon1ry thal is prot,.
ably vcry diffmnl from their own. The center

about health care, childcare, food mmps,
wctfiR and applying 11,r citizenship.
"The expcricncc gave me insight into
how non-profit organizations are run...
Stephenson said. "The people I worlwith were amazing. They wore caring, inldlillCOI and OUI to beaer people's Jives. It p
me dim:lion towards the kind ofwOllt I Wlll1I
to pnue allcrcollcgc."

Of her experience at Colgate,
Stcphcmon l8id, "There arc so many dif.
fmnt pcnpccti..,. and experiences that
people 1,a.., to o&r. Colgaie appcan to
be vay ~ by llnl impress~
but if you larcb be,ond lhal, tbcre ii a
p!Kc l'or everyone. TIICR tR so many
pcople hcR wbocarc about ilaa and llkc


Pl-..!);... __..................
tbae arc mmy-...,.;.., p11111112• , - s"st!c
IIFdl •
at 11,ppar1
gsoups, tbcre arc not nm,y p -.ciw opP11*19to111epoblem,"Slepbnon llid.
In lbe lbluse, s-.,.,_ would like
to live..,..and-'< fortbe ,_.,Corpa.
She belie\u 1h11 her thoupls on life ca,



bealbep,rnyedina'P*byMs)'Oliwbo-. "Wbal do you plla to do with
ODO wild ad ps;o.. tife'r'

to donate one dollar to a celebrity charity, such

tears and concerns. Serious,

as the "Justin Timberlake Foundation." which

earth shattering concern., like if the person
with the locker next to yours liked you,
whether or not you would get a good grade in
geometry or algcbn,, and how long until that
nasty zit on your forehcad would disappear.
Few of us were worrying about financing
our own film company, planning the grand

brings music programs to underfunded public schools, and the "Britney Spears Foun-

so many new

opening of our first store or creating our own

line ofclothing a; that age.
However, at the age of 14,
Hamilton's Matt Riedl has
all this and more on his
mind these days.
Already Riedl has produced a film that is
being courted by several film festivals and
production companies. Nine Mile Swa.mp.
which has been featured in the New York Independent International Film Festival and
mentioned in The Iii/la~ Voice. is described
as being Blair Witch-uc. Riedl is also currently working on the scripl for a new hom>r
film, entitled Cinemaniac. Tosuppon his films
and the company he created to produce them,
New Faction Pictures, Riedl decided 10 open
up his own e-busincss.
Egostyle.com is a web site whc~ one can

find everything from Manic-Panic hair dye
to teeth whitening products to albums of
Christmas music. Egostyle.oom also features
novelty items, such as specially-designed
Egostylc hats. Nearly all of the items have a
picture ncx.1 to them, so that you can view the
produc! before purchasing. Many ofthe items
also ship within 24 hours, a necessity when
you absolutely can't wait for that henna tat•
too kit.
The site also reaturcs an Egos1yle news
page that is updated frequently. In fact, the
announcement of this Maroon.News s1ory
was added the very same day that Riedl was
first contacted about the article, complete with
a link to The Maroon-N"4'S website. A quick

dation," which brings inner c ity kids to

camps dedicated 10 the arts.
In conjunction wi1h the web site Riedl
will also celebrate the grand opening or his
own brick and mortar Egostyle store. Lo-eated in downtown Hamilton next to the
Hamilton Movie

House, Egostyle,
with its tropical
theme, will provide a

..qr.I J lft:. haven for students
and townspeople from the often unpleasant
winter weather. Providing an abundance or
designer clo1hing, jewelry, personal care
products, and other items sometimes hard
to find in Hamilton. Egostylc's nearest com-

petition will perhaps be the Carousel Mall.
Riedl is also very excited about some
other projects he has in the works. For
example, he is c urrently working on

Egostyle's own line of clothing, expected

fhoto l,7 U1U1 Thomp1on

MATT RIEDL of Hamilton has made a
film and opened hiJ own c-business - al 14.

fi lmmaking. He has been interested in
making films since he was a child and has
always had a love of writing. All of his
other ambitions and accomplishments
have been in pursuit of his goal of film
making. Riedl also said that he could not
have done it without 1he help and support

to be available on the web site and downtown in a few months. He is also working on helping one of his fi lms for a
screening at the Cannes Film Festival next

my birthday and Christmas, and my fa.

Riedl has made the decision to be home

thcr gave me a loan 10 gc1 the store and

schooled this year to have more free time
with which to run his business. He feels
it is going well so fa r and finds it to be an
easier and more comfor1ablc cnvironmcnl

helped me put up shelving and get the
place into shape.'' he said. His friends

than public school. Riedl also feels that
he is able 10 learn more and at a fasler
rate than he would at school. He hopes
that within two years he will have com-

pleted his high school education.
After that, Riedl plans 10 attend the
American Film lnsti1ute in California.
When asked about his ambition, Riedl responded that it is driven by his love of

of his family.
"My Grandfather gives me money for

have a lso pitched in, many volunteering
•heir time to work at the store over the
next few mon1hs.

The grand opening of Egostyle will be
on October 16 in downtown Hamilton.
Riedl says that the opening will corres pond with a nationwide Calvin Klein
underwear sale. Beyond sale priced designer underwear Riedl said patrons can
also expcc1 giveaways over 1hc course


the day.

The Marvelous 3 Arouse Listeners With New Album
By Rod Blackhurst
Marocn-New1 Stal[

Is then: hope for the music world today?
With MTV and Top 40 Radio feeding kids
more than their

1he boys in1hc Marvelous 3 have come tearing back into the modem rock music with a
style reminiscent of 1980s hair bands.

While their song "Freak of the Weck' from
the Heyl album remains one of the biggest
radio success stories

of 1999, the new al-

1hc liner notes list Brad Pin, Jennifer Lopez
and Jack Black as "singers·· for these large,
DcfLcppard-style gang vocals).
In pseudo-hair band style, there arc the two
obligatory ballads in ..Radio Tokyo" and the

or rock allegiance "Cigarette


only hope 10 find

Lighter Song." The album feature., guest appearances by Roger Manning Jr. of tmpcrial
Drag and Jellyfish as well as Yogi from
Buekchcrry and Jeremy Popov of Lit. Bowie

snottier. bigger and

salvation in rock

actually lent his hand in writing the arena

catchier. It's the clos-

mended dose of
cheesy fabricated
music, one can

and roll. Although
these aforementioned institutions
routinely place

modem rock in the
"pop" category, it
is necessary to re-

member that rock
music is, for the

bum leaves its predecessor in the dust.


pleaser "Cigarette Lighter Song."
For humor·ssakc, the album is packed lyrically with silly pop-culture references which
don and absolute con- might remind one ofa Zcbrnhcad or Spacchog
trol of 1hcir mind~ album. Light sabers wielded by a w•nnabc
blowing live show.
girlfriend in "Cold as Hell" are followed by
The a lbum is the reading of Spin and Raygun magazines in
the ultimate tribute to " I Could Change."
the group ·s musical
The plethora of rock culture icons and refcs1 you're going 10
get to t.hc total aban-

influences. most no-

most part, everyticeably Dcfl.cpp6rd.
thing that has inalthough albums by
stnunents, is origiboth David Bowie
nal, bas been writand the Clash would
ten by the anist
most likely be found
themselves and
lying around the
hasn't been ..creband's bus.
ated" (sec Lou
Mu sically,
'Jl,cMc.....OfM.......... 3
Pearlman and his
ReadySugo follows
anny of Boy Banda). That in mind, we theag,,-<>ld, rail-prooffourchord - vcrse,chofind ouncJ..,. wallowing in a world of rus, verse, chorus - formula. Well-layered
poppy sludae, until the Marvelous 3 enter dNm loops arc present as well as horror•
the arena.
movie sounding piano parts which doesn't
Atlanta hu long been a rock music make this album too av,nge. However, and
mecca, providina us with such mod-rock to our enjoymen~ the Marvelous 3 will have
favorite, as Collective Soul, Shawn the only song on the radio today with a
Mullins, Angie Aparo, the B-S2 and the crunchy and distonecl guitar solo followed by
M.,...Jous 3. After 1 !WO-year absence, an all out big sing-a-long style chorus (hey.

erences aren't surprising considering th:tt lcod
vocalist Butch Walker co-wrote SR-7 1's cur-

rent hit ..Right Now".

So is the album wonh buying? Yes. II isn ·,
every day that you find an album which you
can place in your stereo and let play in its entirety. If you have ever found yoursclfloosingsloep at night wonying whether or not rock
is alive, then sleep tight.
The Marvelous 3 arc proof that rock stars
do exist (and, for your information, Fred Durst
doesn•1 cowit here.) And if you arc so inspired, remember tha1 the Marvelous 3 released a disc as the Floyds in the early 90s

and then another before being signed called
Math and Other Problems before being signed
to a major label. These guys have been here
before and ReadySexgo is proof that they
won't be leaving for a while.

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Arts & Features

September 22, 2000

Self's New Album Reminiscent In
Sound OfChildhood Memories
children's hand-clapping game.
The entire album is not all fun and
games for kids however. The Song,
"Trunk Full a Amps," contains words you
might want to keep away from the cars of
youngsters. Luckily, there is an edited
version at the end of the CD so that the
kids can enjoy the clever references and
The lyrics are as follows, "I've got a
trunk fulla amps mother, like [inscn musician]!' Following each
menlion of a
ranging from

By Pblll Ramey
Moroon·N~ws StuQ

Not since the golden years of "Weird"
Al Yankovic's artful parodies has a gim·
mick worked so well in the creation ofan
album. Selrs new release on the Tennes.see label Spongcbath Records was recorded solely with toys and toy instru·
The use of childhood 1hcmcs is not
something new to
the Spongebath label. The 1999 reArlington Road fouurcs Jdf Bridges (left) as a college professor who comes 10 rcaliu lease of the Cal l
that his neighbor,, plarcd by Joan Cu,ack and Tam Robbins, may not be what they seem.
Florence Pow a lbum These Are the
Freddie M,rPlans...
cury 10 Glenn
Spongebath feaDanzig, a clip
from one of
tured 1980s video
their songs
game theme songs.
The most notice·
containing the
able of which was a
word 'mother'
rearranged version
is played .
or the theme from
mighl be thinking
By Martin Northrop
the beauty of poetry, coming~f·agc, non• the Nintendo c lassic
1h11 this breaks
Mul'(X)n·N~~·s Staff
confonnity, alienation and life philosophy Zelda.
all at the same time.
The Self album
the ..entirely re·
Friday night at 7:30 p.m., Take-Two kicks
It is a period piece, SCI in uppcr--class New Gizmodgery, takes
corded on toy inofTthc weekend in exciting fashion with Ar- England a1 the Welton Academy pn:para- childhood reminis·
struments" rule,
but chances are
lington Road. Jeff Bridges, filmed in tory school in the la1e 1950s. Robin Will- ccnce to an entirely
double-extreme. slow motion (not a tech- iams plays John Keating, former Welton new level and with an
1hat a copy or the
nical term). runs with wide--opcn blood-shot gradua1c, and the latest addition to its En- unbelievable amount
eyes and a smudged face contoned into a glish faculty. Whereas the other instructors. of skill. When hearing
sampled through
sickish scream of disbelief, to prevent a comprised almoSI completely orstuffy gray the conccpl behind
the speaker or a
toy tape player,
terrorist's bomb from exploding. Have I haired men over SO, teaching within the ide- this a lbum one would
seen this somewhere before? Of course! h als spelled out in the school motto ''Tradi- be likely 10 think 1hat
or else that would
would have to be in 1994 when he played 1ion, Honor, Discipline, Excellence." the songs would be
be false advertisthe same role, only the film was called Keating, young and vibrant. is mad for po- lacking in some form
There is one
Blown Away. Except for the minor differ- etry and life. He bewilders and inspires his or another, but the job
ences in cuch plot. the crux of both pictures class with outrageously unonhodox. yet in- done on this album is simply amazing. thing that listeners can thank for the creinvolved Bridges as a
credibly relevant Al times it is hard to believe that the al• ation of this album, and 1h01 is c hildhood
1crrorist expert who
and meaningful bum was performed solely on toys. On nostalgia and technology. There is no
is frantically attempt·
teaching techniques. tracks such as "Ordinairc.. and way that this album could have been mRde
The young men, in• "Miracleworkcr," Self manages 10 make without recent sampling machines tha1 reing to prevent a villain from blowing up
eluding Neil Perry the Liule Tikes Xylophone, Mattel Star ally brought togc1her 1he wide variety of
something important.
Sean Guitar. Micro Jammer Drums and a vari· sounds. In the end, a solid and cohesive
Instead of the mad
Leonard), Todd cty of other toys sound like the real deal. album was created from the toys of a 6
The results resemble the latest Beck ef- year-old.
bomber played by
Anderson (Ethan
Afidnire Vuft11res. except they arc a
II is rare that a record created with a
T01nmy Lee Jones in
B(ow11 AhYl)', Arli,rgOverstreet (Josh lot more impressive. Gizmodgery main· concept like this would result m such a
to,r Road features Tim
Charles) and Charlie lains a light poppy feel 1hroughou1 and pleasurable listen. For those or you still
Robbins as Olovcr
(Gale even manages to weave a chi ldhood in awe from 1he most rcccnl Beck release,
Lang. the new.
Hanson), co1ne to re- theme in 1he lyrics. This is clear on tracks and everyone in general, my recommen•
rnendly neighborhood
vere Keating and re- such as "S Alive," titled after the popular da1ion is to give this a lbum a listen. Even
family man by day
initiate a secret po- juice box drink in elementary cafeterias if it isn't your type of music. the memoand the calculating,
etry reading c lub everywhere. and "Pattycakc,•· which con· ries it will conjure up arc enough to bring
professional tcrroris1
that Keating once tains words that normally accompany the a smile 10 your face.
by night Also living
belonged to.
This piciure is
on the block are Professor Michael Foraall about breaking
day (Bridges), and his
free from conven·
son. Faraday catches
tion and taking
on 10 a few ghtchcs in
chances. All of the
Lang's otherwise air-tight cover and the con- boys take risks, brc3king free from the
flict ensues from there.
forces that seem to be dominating their lives
There arc two major casting flaws in this and futures. For Perry. it is his domineer·
picture that could have been solved at once. ing father; Anderson slips ouiside of the
First of all, as hos been stated, Bridges has shadow of his older brother, and the expec·
already played this role and many people talions made on him, to follow his example.
have already seen him in it Why not change During each of their journeys, Perry realthings up and cast him as the terrorist? He izes his passion for acting and Anderson dis·
has already proven his marvelous ac1ing covers hs love for writing.
range and talcn1 in projects like the sci-fi
Williams brings to Keating his usual
movie Starmat, and 1he Coen brothers' cult- comic style-complete wilh lightning.fast
favorite The Big Lebow.ski. Let him act.
wit and dead-on vocal impersonations-but
Secondly, Robbins is not co1tvincing the performance is not completely off-thcwhen he trys to play the antagonist. He wall. It is toned down from anything he did
docs well as a cairn suburbanite. but is in Good Mor11i11g, Viefllam Or in ~fork and
awkwr1rd when aucmpting co be evil. His Mindy. and righ11y so. Kcating's character
make-up does more for his villaintry than is less about non-stop quips and more about
he docs. I've a lready seen plenty of truly caring about 1hesc young, Academy
Bridges· face up-close and in slow mo- minds. helping thc.m sec the beauty not only
Do II°" 1111 Wlbl
tion. Robbins' mug would have been a re- of poetry. but of being your own non•conOoto
fonning person. Williams is somber when
freshing change.
I concede that the idea that your own somber is called for. and funny when laughs
or call -.293neighbors could be bomb•toting extremists arc needed. This parallels 1he film as a
1443 for info.
is spooky and 1101 totally farfctchcd. Joan whole. which ranges from deep poignancy
Cusack (Si.xtee,r Candles) is a highlight as to fcel-goocJ humor and, as a result. is 1reMrs. Lang. Yet all in all, this movie is a dud mcndously effective.
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cmy Award winning screenplay is a story rnlSICrpieee on the pe,1 ofPeter Weir. C~
about the power of charismatic educators, Diem.

Take-Two Presents...

Neighborhood Conspiracies
And Poetic Explorations



,_,__ _


September 22, 2000


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September 22, 2000

• Ryan Leaf regains
starting Job:
Did San Diego finally sec
signs of Leaf's untapped
potential? Nope, Moses
Mareno just got hutt.


J111t lhiDk. aome .,..__

Apparendy the Knicb'
need for a strong
rebounder was replaced
by their need for a cry
baby and poor ddi:nder.

0/,ympic &andals
Tarnish Games
Remember the Olympic Triple Cast i1t
1996? For a few cx1ra bucks, viewers could
get cx1cndcd coverage of the events 1hcy
, -- - - - --, wanted to watch live
from Atlanta. I
bought it. I recall my
desire to watch the
Dream Team in basketball that year,
along with Michael

Johnson running
1rack and even the
fema le gymnastic
team. The money it

cost to watch those
events didn't bother
me 100 muc h because, come on, it
was the Olympics. Any event that comes
along once every four years has to receive
special aucntion from even the most casual
s-pons fan.
This year, however, I feel as 1hough
someone would have 10 pay me to watch
the Games. And even then, it would depend
on 1hc otTcr. I know it's almost 1aboo 10 say,
but how boring and unnotcworthy arc this
year's Olympics? Maybe my in1ercs1 was
peaked four years ago because of the big
names involved - Johnson, Jackie JoynerKersey and all of the members of the Dream
Team - but John~n is back this year, a long
wi1h rival Maurice Green. Track and field
star Marion Jones is gunning for an unfathomable five gold medals and the s1ars on
lhe Dream Team shine as brightly this year
as they did in '96. There is no shortage of
headliners in Sydney.
Maybe my lack of excilemcnt is due simply 10 1hc Oamcs· locale. Living in the hos1
counuy four years ago certainly added an
cx1ro air of pride and appeal. The crowds
were no1 only lively. but they were rooting
for the same country as I did. Also. the
Olympics took place during the American
summer. so I had no school work 10 worry
about and could relax on the couch all day.
Ncver1heless. while this year's evenls take
place during my 1ime in college. I am always looking for distractions from said
school work. I just find myself looking
places besides NBC.
Maybe the loss ofyours truly as an Olympic fan is N8C's fau lt A fler all, not only is
every single event shown on 1ape delay. bu1
ifs almost an entire day behind schedule.
The swimming taking place on my 1elevision set right now really happened yesterday. In 1his day and age oflhc Internet, finding out the resuhs of any desired event is a
couple of mouse clicks away. Still, I don't
even think thal knowing the winners and
losers ahead of time is the reason for my
apathy. I read the spoilers for taped wrestling s hows every week and slill find myself tuning it,to sec how it happened. Then
again, I'm just weird like that.
No, I lhink the reason for my Olympic
disdain is the Games thcmscl\lcs. A lot has
happcncdsincc 19%andmos1ofi1hasbccn
co"linwd CM pop 10

maybteftDW M DCi-,

aied wich chil new.,.,_
- ,tiJJ rbiak '*- the wild
c:aid is a bad~-

..._rTo Take On Old Mates

The Jets arc 3-0. 1l1e Bucs arc 3-0. And
Kcyshawn is continuing 10 run his mouth. Can
it get any better than
this? When the Jcis
traded Kcyshawn
Johnson. I thought it
may have been the
stupidest move in

the history of their
franchise ... and the
Jets have had their
fair share of stupid
movements. Does



Browns,.SICClcrs pnc, you missed Scntcnaining. The Steelers had the bell clown
three points deep in Browns 1cni1ory with 11
seconds 10 go in the game. They had no
timeouts left. Rather than playing ii safe and kicking the field
goal right away, the Stcclen;
opted u,,try one more play into
the end zone before kicking the
game tying field goal.
Funny thing happened on the
way 10 the goal line, though.
Kent Graham got sacked. and
the clock ran out. Doesn't he
know that the 1WO things heean-

Tcnncsscc, at Atlanta,
Phi ladelphia,
Cleveland, St, Louis,
De1roi1 and at Arizona. The Giants and
Rcdsla nationally-televised
contest this Sunday

night. If the Giants
win this game, the division ls thcirs. They
will be three games up
on the Red!okins in thc
standings, and w ill

also have beaten them
in the head-to-head
contest which will im,.
pact tiebreaker, II the
end of the year. lfthc
Redskins do ind~
fall 10 1he Giants on
Sunday, expect u, see
Jeff George under
ccrncr nexl week.

3.(4) DeevorBroDCOS (2-1)· ldon'tthink
Mike Shanahan likes Al Davis.
4, (S) Indianapolis Col11 (l•l) • Can anyone remember the last lime the Colts were on
Monday Nighl football?
S. (10) Ntw York Jets (3-0)
• Mara,s Coleman catches a

•• ••

Ko1i1c ring a bell?
Somehow, the nol let happen is 1h11 he get
Jets have gotten off sacked or complete a pass in bounds not for a
lo 8 3-0 Sl8J1 without touchdown? ff a receiver is not open in the
and cndzonc, he has 10 just throw the ball away,
former ccach Bill Parcells. This week, how- After the game, he explained that he started
ever, they 1ravel down to Tampa Bay to face scrambling in the pocket to try 10 buy his rethe undefeated Buccaneers and their former ceivers some extra time. What a horrible exfriend Keyshawn. The week has already had planation.. That should never have even ensome fireworlcs with Keyshawn announcing tered his mind. He should have thrown the
that he will not shake Jets Coach Al Groli's ball away immediately once he realized that
hand after the game. Keyshawn claims lhat there were no open receiver,. Kent Graham
Groh showed him a lack of n:spec1 because proves again lhat he cannot be a reliable NFL
Groh left it up 10 Parcells U>tcll him (Johnson] qN01 that I really think anyone still has this
that he had been traded.
but for all you non-believer, in Kurt
Personally, I find the fact thal Keyshawn is
complaining lhat someone showed him a lack Warner, he has just added one more record to
of respect to be hilarious. Isn't this the same his list. He has passed for I, 221 yards in the
guy who once called Wayne Chrebcl the team first three games in the season. That's the
most yards ever for a quarterback in the NFL
If the Jets win this game, don't miss the through three games. Marte Brunel.I has
passed for the second ,,_ yards this year.
postgamc pr'CSS conferences.
101al: 863.
The Washington Redskins are 1-2. Michael
One other little interesting fact: The GiWestbrook is out for the year. Brad Johnson
and Jets have bolh started 3-0. h's the
is playiog terribly and Lavarr Arrington is sitfirst rime lhat has ever happened.
ting on the sidelines.
And it's going to get wonc. The Redskins
nc.1 eigh1 games arc the following: at N.Y.
Giants. Tampa Bay, at Philadelphia, Balli·
more, at Jacksonville, Tenncsscc. at Arir.ona
I. (I) Tampa Bay Bucs (3-0) - Have
and at St. Louis. It cannot get any tougher
opponents 93-26.
than lhat
2. (2) SI. Loals Ruu (3-0) • Continuing
This is great news for the New York Gi·
10 give up a lot of points. But who cares?
antS. By contrast the
Giants next eigh1
games arc the following: Washington, at

NCMReport .......... 19

• A.L wld cad,_

• Ewing traclad to
Sonics for Rice:

That is

Beat the Expens™ ..., 18

• ••

6. (7) Jat"-vUltJaguan

(2-1) • Fred Taylor is expected
to play against the Colts.
7. (3) Buffalo BUb (2- 1) •
That offensive line coach is

8. (8) Ttannset lltam (I•
I) - Loss of Kevin Dyson for
year means there will be no repeat of Music
City Miracle.
9. (14) MlaatSOII Vlklnp(3-0)· Went on
rood and beat a team desperate for a win.
10. (12) New Vorlrood and beat a team dcspcntc for a win.
II. (6) Baldmort Rl•tn• (2-1). Really
good teams do 110( let clown.
12. (9) WulngtoaR,dlkla1 (1-2)-lfthey
lose this week, they can forget about the divi,

13. (II) OaJdud Raldm (2-1) • What the
hell is wrong wilh Janitowslci?
14. (13) Dttrolt U- (2-1) • The only
offense they're getting is from spcciQ teams.
IS. (18) Miami Dolpblm (2-1) • Defense
is continuing to play incredibly well.
16. (19) l'what they did when they finally played an easy

17. (20) Atlanta Falcons (2-1) • Two solid
cornerbacks in Buchannan and Ambrose.
18. ( 16) Grttn Bay Packtn (1-2) • With
their season on the line, all they could do was
muster up a sloppy 6-3 win over the Eagles at

19. (23) Dallu Cowboys (1,2) • I guess
they' re not dead ycl.
20. (IS) Carollu Paacbtn (1-2) • Good
job taking that safety. •
21. (17) PbUadelpbla Eag1ts (1-2)- What
were all you Eagle fans saying after Weck

22. (21) Sffnlt Stuawks ( 12) - It's weird watching them
play home games outside.
23. (28)0..tlud Browm (21) • Courtney Brown looked like
Bruce Smith lhis J*1 weekend.
24. (26) ArtmuCardlaals(I·
I) • They moved up in my
rankings by not playing.
25. (22) New Fapllll PalrlOCI (0-3) • And the Red Sox are
finished. too.
26. (24) N- OrleMs $111111
(1-2) • Docs anyone know what
happened ID Bobby Hcben?
27. (25)0,k pllww (0-3) ·
Urlachcr loobd like I in bis fintslllt.
28. (29) Su Fn...... 4'en
(0-3) • Jcny Rice says he won ·1
be back with the 49cn - 1 .,_,
29. (29) Su Diop 0..,.....
cimc C-: three touchdowns, 21 in,
......__ .This
. season:
. one


·~ Leaf.-

_ ".., SIX 1DlerCqlbonl.

Did anyone else

30. (27) ......... S111l1n(0-

laugh when the Pinsburgh S1cclcrs sipcd
Kent Groham in thc
offseason? lfyoudid

2) • They're l"licig ...,,...,..ay


31. (31) Ow I Ml 81 I h (').
2) • Al ,._ they bl¥c a nioo •

the end oflall wcdt '1

•() inclic•---........

National Sports


September 22, 2000




N.dwl.S,.,,,SUI -...J S,.,u Sutff

l't•To l>din lM

N.Y. Giants
San Fnmcisco
N.Y. Jeu


San Francisco



Y..-To Dacc:i 7.. 11


PMl ot' 1111i ll1!lll(
Fuuto Oa~ 11-7


N.Y. Giants



N.Y. Jets

Tampa Bay

Tampa Bay

Tampa Bay

Tampa Bay








San Fransisco

N.Y. Giants



New England

Kansas City


Kansas City




New England


JIOUKl'B Wl!i!a,AwloldwW.-kiD die NP1 -4Di-4ln a---we aop die Beo&tbe&pau"' leaderboud. The illustrioua Editor-In.Chiefvaulted into
• de Im &at plaae 'Wida . , N Pl d 1portl Ed-. 1\c llldi-lldiilo alcioudo - hio hopa for the lint-cwr w,d,&ated week go for naught when the
Mleel ~ · et,. Jbelt . - . , , die Fao ofdie W- i-. nm their l'ffllnl to 11-7, good enough for ,ecood place ahead of two

..-c• a.-••

~. .asmh1a

Mets Blow Shot At Division By
Dear New Yorlc Mets,
Can you beat the Braves this fall? You
have my permission.
Each fall Mets
fans feel the bum
of a deceptive
pennant race. "Deceptive?" the Mets

fan asks. Yes, because what happens every September in the NL

East is less racy
than the Oneonta
Tigcrs'team mom.
What l)CCllfS is
more comparable
to a game of follow the leader. Within that predictable division exists an unwritten buffer zone thal
no team can cross between the first-place
Braves and the other four teams. Maybe
those Metropolitans should start encour·
aging the optimists al Shea 10 do lhe chop.
Poor Meis fans. This is the time of year
where I walk around campus with my

their last five World Series games at the ings:
ou1, they'll join 1he 1932 Yankees as the
same field.
W-L Pct GB
only teams ever to 1101 be shutout in seaAnyway, I'll back off1hc Meis and their
86-70 .55 I
sons of I SO games or more.
fans; they have suffered and will suffer
85-70 .548 0.5
• Only two players have ever hil two or
enough. So of course back to my other
lsn '1 1ba1 outs1anding? Just to make more home runs in three s1raigh1 games.
favorite topic, the woes of the Red Sox sure you understand that the Red Sox However, Houston 's Richard Hidalgo
were their 1ypical selves and 001 jus1 pal· should have been the third on Monday exRemember 1972? Neither do I, but the sics (although is there a difference?), they cept the umpire incorrectly ruled his sec·
Red Sox were apparen1ly getting screwed actually led Dc1roi1 by half a game before ond shot, (1ha1 bounced of the second fence
back then also. The following inform•· losing two of the las1 three regular season in the bullpen and bounced back on10 the
tion is from ESPN.com's Rob Neyer. games against 1he Tigers. They won the field) a triple . The two players 10 accomNeyer writes a comical and sometimes third game of that series to
plish 1hc feat were Ralph Kiner
statistically interesting scmi•daily article pull within half a game. "Just
in 1947 and Frank Thomas in
thal I highly recommend.
wait until next year," was a
Anyway, in 1972 there was a labor quote I can imagine hearing
• The Tigers have topped their
strike. and the regular season began eight in a 1972 Yaw~cy Way bar.
old s ingle-season record for the
days late. The owners decided 1ha11hc six
Aro••d tbt Horn:
most ejec1ions ( 19) this year.
or seven games each team had missed
• The Yankees ou1homercd
• The Yankees have been
would not be made up in order 10 avoid the Red Sox in their head-toMLB REPORT outscored 50-16 in their last six
the complications of having to rcscticd- head games a1 Fcnway Park
games as of Tuesday. 0 8ut
ulc them. However, this meant that some lhis year 14-0.
who's worried?
teams would play I 56 games and others
• If Cincinnati can survive the final two • "I am the most loyal player money can
I 57. Check out the final AL East stand- weeks of the season without getting shut- buy." - Don Su non

eyes 10 the ground because of the fear that
I'll meet one and be forced to smile and

nod during their recount of 1986 and their
"convincing" argument abou1 the Meis•
hopes and dreams. During September
they have an expectant glow about them

from 1hcir confidence that 1his year 1hcir
Mets will give birth to a pennant. Dlsdalmer: Do not make any bets against
the Mets with their fans. 11 will only en·
courage lhcm for a few weeks and will

result in a nonsensical rant blaming some
innocent scapegoat (usually George
Steinbrenner) for the Mets' mos1 recent
Meis fans arc fooled easily by their
team. They know what success is 111p-,
posed 10 look like; they sec it every time
they look nonh towards lhc Bronx. "Three
games Ollt of first place wilh six out of
our last 13 games against th11 first place
team?" It sounds so good, docsn ·1 ii? The
Braves don 'I sell out their games and in
2000 the Mets have lwo starters, Mike
Hampton and Al Leiter, who can finally
rival the Braves' aces Greg Maddux and
Tom Glavinc.
"'To be this c)osc it's nol because we've
gonen so much beltcr but becauae they
have come down and mcl us I bil," Mets
skipper Bobby Valcnline said. Of course,
that well-worded ••ample of his confidence was voiced before the stan of their
six matches with the Braves on Monday;
before the Mets lost the first two of those
contests by a combined score of t 8-7 IO
fall live games behind the Braves with 10
game, left and basically end the race.
They have lost 20 of their Jut 22 sames
at Turner field, including three in laat

year's NLCS. The Yankees have won

"' a
SAME STORY, DIFFElll:NT YEAR: Gol"I Jato IUI ,-, ,bnd, the Bra- held a slim rwo and

half-game load o.., 1he Me1S
la daeNali1aal Lnplal. TINa,..,.pl-,.I a~NO- pmctcria at Turner F'tcJd and -s11rpritc,tu1pri.sc-Atlanta cook two out
of duw pe• &oe New Yedi. Haw.\ - IMud tlala atory before, ub stair wri1er Jahlocl,era aleple e - e fa .... .wr...c. i. talcat cloeoa\ ff.... cemnoc bat CM 11,awe..._ k wa, let aloae ead ti.cir atreak or nine straight division tides. Compcticjon in the N.L wiU
N lli&'UI dait
p1r&11--. eo New York
aot cwa get a shot 10 aw:age iu most rcc-c:nl loua to Atlanta in 1he NLCS.





September 22, 2000

National Sports

Florida, Tennessee Rivalry Marred By Questionable Call
sivc lineman Kenyon Coleman, who had time against a tough Michigan Stale deknee surgery this past week to repair torn fense. Michigan State, who also has quesbiggest con1ro- cartilage that he suffered facing Michi· tions at quarterback. has not yet decided
on whether we will be seeing promising
vcrsics. When the gan. Bolh will be out a few weeks.
Sophomore quarterback Ryan McCann, freshman Jeff Smoker again or starter
Florida Ga1ors
to Paus' replacement, has lead !he Bruins to !heir Ryan Van Dyke, who could return from a
Gainesville aflcr 3-0 start, lhrowing for 536 yards, four touch- thumb injury suffered in a season-opena 27-23 win over downs and only one interception. McCann, ing victory againSI Marshall . To go wi1h
arch-nemes i s along with star running back DeShaun Fos- my father's alma mater, Michigan State
Tennessee this ter. hll.$ given the Bruins enoogh offense and wins convincingly at home over Notre
past weekend, a they should continue their winning ways this Dame, sparking the restoration of the Bob
on weekend in Eugene, Oregon, even with the Davie watch.
Fonner Notre Dame coach Lou Hollt,
Florida's campus absence of Paus and COieman.
starling 0-11 in his rebuilding proUCLA victim Michigan opens ilS Big 10
had been erected
in honor of line schedule wi1h 1he Figh1ing Illini of Illinois, cess at South Carolina last season, has
Al while both conference hopefuls pray for the begun the Gamecocks' 2000 campaign
Sdw ,kr
Matthews . return of their s tarting quarterbacks. with a 3-0 start, including a win over pe'1,11 ,,,,It \, 1, ' ..,,,,1/
Matthews ruled, Michigan's Drew Herson. who injured his rennial SEC power Georgia. With a win
in an c,i;tremcly fool IO days before the season opener against this weekend over 25th-ranked Missis·
sippi Staie, South Carolina
contentious decision, that Florida wideout Bowling Green, hopes lo return
could sec themselves in the naJabar Gaffney was in contro l of Jesse to action this weekend while
poll after their extended
Pal mer 's l ast-minute touchdown pass,
losing streak over the
before it was jarred away by the Vols' his second half knee injury
last 1wo seasons. Hoitt has
agains1 California last week will
Willie Miles.
worked plenly of magic for the
The dispu1ed call has sparked grea, de- no, linger and hamper his abil·
three wins. This one goes to the
bate within the Southeastern Conference iiy against hungry Michigan.
of MSU as Holtz and
while Tennessee players and fans arc left
the Gamecocks come back to
with the lingering notion of Florida win- cleared 10 Slart Sa1urday, but
ning 1his year's SEC lille and, dare I say,
clear Henson. who woo1d replace backup John Due 10a week of rest for the Virginia Tech
the National Championship.
From a mere observer's s tandpoint, Navarre Navarre llC8fly sparked a q1wter· Hokies, Heisman hopeful Michael Vick
Gaffney bare ly held on10 1he ball. Bui back controversy wilh two imp'cssive perfor- will not be showcased in this week 's
whatever flash Matthews witnessed mances over Bowling Gn:en and Rice. How- Hel1man watcll. Instead, let's glance 11
seemed to be enough confirmation to give ever, his less than mediocre performance 1he other pretenders' numbers to date:
the Gators the touchdown and, conse- against UCLA have Ann Art,or natives itchDrew Breu, QB, Pardae - Loss to
quently, the vic1ory. Ironically, Florida ing for the return ofthe foot-restricted Henson.
was completely outplayed the entire game Toconiinue ilS winning ways, Michigan .-Is Notre Dame hurts, but abundance of pass•
and for Tennessee to lose on a question- Henson. Otherwise, we could be seeing a ing yardage and seven touchdowns, not
able re re rec 's decision seems rather anti- Michigan losingsm:ak apinst the Illini ofUr- to mention major media hype, make him
climatic. When ri vals get together, all bana-Champeign. If Henson mi5$CS his fourth the runner•up. Thus far.
anyone wants to sec is a pure dogfight. game, Michigan will lose ilS second.
No one - not even Gator loyalists - want
Fellow Big Ten rival Purdue has been added
C hris Welake, QB, Florida Stale 10
1,000 yards passing and zero interthe game decided on an official's rendered
itS successes have only numbered two wins, cep1ions look good. Bui, how old are you?
j udgment.
The anermath ofGaffncy's ..catch'' in• Notre Dame claims a lough overtime :lefca1
eluded a throat-slashing gesture on the 10 1op,ranked Nebraska as they head in10
Ladainlaa To mlia1oa , RB, Tesa1
part of 1he Florida receiver and a s ubse- combat against long time rival Michigan Cbrlstlaa - Had 243 yard perfonnance
quent first-half suspension from Florida S1a1e. The Sparlans round oul the 1ough leading TCU 10 a 2-0 record. Averaging
Head Coach Sieve Spurrier in this week's opening schedule 1ha1 the Fighling Irish 209 yards per game.
game against Ke ntucky. As much as Ken- were raced with to start the season. Pos·
DeShawa Fost e r, R B, UCLA tucky appreciates Spurrier's gesture. Ten- ing as a challenge not only to the team,
nessee would much rather sec an over- bu1 Head Coach Bob Davie's job as well, Emerged as a darkhorsc. If UCLA keeps holds him back as he fades fast in the race
for second.
lurncd call on the pan of lhe SEC offi - Notre Dame has responded nicely by winning, Foster keeps rising.
cials. Nevertheless, the play s tands and climbing 1hc polls all 1hc way from
My Sleeper: Radl Jo•nsoa, RB, A• ·
Florida remains undefeated with the op- unranked 10 I61h.
Deuce McAIIIller, RB, Ole Miu - 6 .1
portunity to face another looming rival ,
Fill-in quar1erbacki 1igh1 end Gary yards per carry and five touchdwns arc bwra - JUCO transfer has done no1hing
Florida State, in the las1 game of the sea· Godsey gets his second start as he re- impressive for the senior back, but let's bul dominate by putting up I 59 yards per
son, possibly determining 01,e of the par- places injured starter Amaz Battle, this sec iflast week's injury against Vanderbilt game with six touchdowns.
ticipants in the Na tional
Championship game. Word
around football is that
Florida has already arranged
for Matthews to officiate
tha1 game (jus1 kidding). The
bouom line is that Florida
did not get the job done in
Tennessee and il's an injuS·
lice that lhcy walked away
with a victory and aspiring
1i1lc hopes.
Meanwhile, a new contender has joined Florida,
Florida S1a1e and Nebraska
in the chase for the national
1i1lc. The ups1art UCLA Bruins have ascended 1he
rankings to be considered
the Pac- IO favorite and join
the national spotligh1. As
teams gear up for conference
play, schedule-makers usually seek opposing squads
who are willing to relinquish
a Saturday in order to be pulverized by a national pow..
erhouse. For Coach Ilob Toledo and UCLA, 1hcy ini1ialized their season with two
wins over two third-ranked
teams. Alabama and Michigan.
Unranked entering the
seaso n, the Oruins. now
ranked eighth, head into
battle with the University of
Oregon Ducks, minus two or
!heir key players. Quarter•
back Cory Paus, who enDE.IECIED !'a.ES9EEYOLUNTIEll8.._....._nhrilll,t•clltil-.a ••-••1e•s-alill'17-25lw•• •tld:JR- 11 Cr•
dured a separated s houlder

One ofcollcgc football's biggcs1 rivalries now translates into one of this year's

against ~ll!b~'!l!I, ~4:1 _d_e r~ ... • • • • • • •·. • . , • • •.• • •.• • •.•.- •.• •;,, f

• • • • • . , , • • • , •

.,,,1,. • •,., , ••• ••, •• ••• • •. •• ••........._. •.• • ••

0 •

· - • •• -

--"lo ••

. . . • - - - · • . , • " ' : • • .......

National S


September 22, 2000


No Luster To 2000 Olympics
contu,wM from fJ(lg~ 16

professionals who shrug off 1hc Olympics

bad. 11 all began, of course, wilh lhc
bombing of 1he Olympic Village in Al·

as just another meaningless time constraint overshadow amateurs who have
worked 1hcir entire lives for these fleet ..

lanta. Unfortunately for some people, the
gathering of every country in the world
is not cause for celebration, but for violence.
While that terrorist acl was a major ex•
ccption - hopefully - other negative


Should professional atl,/et,s be al·
lowtd to P"rtidpat, in tire Olympics?

ing minu1es of glory.
Even the professional athletes who do

put in their time and sweat at the Garnes

Has anyone ever heard of lhe

take away viewer cxc i1cmcnt. The original Dream Team was the gre ates t ensemble of basketball talent ever put 10-

·"Miracle On Ice'' that took place in
1980? In CIJC you haven 't, the Uni1ed

Webs1cr 's Dic1ionary dcfi;;._.,. tl,c "Olympic Games" as "tho grca1cs1 of the nu1ional
festivals of Mcient Greece." The key word

Stales ice hockey 10am topped 1he So-

in that definitfon being, o f course, '·na·

Winter Games in 2002. The most common, ceaseless scandal, though, has been
the constant drug testing.
Don't get me wrong, drug testing is a
good thing. Having so many athletes tesr
positive, however, is not. It is now com·

gcthcr, but every squad since then has lost
more and more of 1he original ·s allure. I
love seeing Vince Carter dunk as much
as anyone. but it j ust isn' t the same when
he's doing it over some guy from Angola,
as opposed 10 Dikcmbe Mu1ombo. Also,
what's the point of having tennis as an
Olympic sport? Every USTA even, pils
country against country anyway. To most

viet Union in one of the greatest upsets in spons history. What made the
feat even more incredible WH that the
American squad was composed en. 1irely of amatellrs.

mon knowledge 1ha1 Germany and China
have sen, many illegally drug induced

professional tennis players, a victory as
Wimbledon is a lot more prestigious than

athletes to past Games. I just saw on

a gold medal.
I suppose it would be silly, however, to

Olympic 1rcnds have emerged. The scandal 1ha1 rocked 1he Sall Lake Ci1y Olympic Comminee has put a damper on the

Uni1ed S1a1cs' nexi opponuni1y 10 hos, 1he

ESPN 1ha1 Bulgarian weigh! lifter Ivan
Ivanov was forced to relinquish his silver medal after testing positive for steroids. I know nothing about Ivan Ivanov
other than the fact that his parents were

nol very original when thinking of his firs,
name. but he represents a fast-growing.
extremely disturbing tendency that is run-

ning rampanl lhrough the Olympics. In
1988, when sprinter Ben Johnson was
stripped of his gold medal in lhe 100meter dash, it was major news. This year,
a positive test for a banned substance in

fodder for the back page.
Aside from bla1an1ly breaking drug
policies, athletes have put a damper on
this year's Games in other ways. as well.
A one-time haven for amateur athletes,

lhe Olympics opened up ils doors 10 professionals recently. The results have been
far from exceptional. Where is Shaquille

O'Neal in Sydney? Or Pelc Sampras?
Bolh of 1hcse Slars, along wi1h 01her big
names, have opted out of p1nicipating in
AuSlralia due 10 suppoJCdly busy schedules.
When O'Ncal would rather cut ano1hcr
rap album, or star in the sequel to
Kazaam. you know that the Olympics
have lost some of its luster. It's sad that

e liminate tennis as an Olympic event
when recently sanctioned spons include

1he lrampoline and ball room dancing. If
someone had told me ten years ago when
I was jumping on my grandparents· tram·
po line thal I could one day cam an Olympic medal for that, I'd have been on that
tarp a lot more. What's next, jumping
In the end, I think 1hat's it The ple1hora
of Olyrupic events is what has turned me

off10 1he spec1aclc of1he Games. Bigger
is ccnainly not better when i1 comes to
the Olympics as the increase in events has
diluted the overall competition.

The 2000 Olympic Games have began,
and will end, wilh a whimper. Television
ratings arc down and although I haven't
spent very much time around water cool-

ers recendy, I haven 'I heard a 101 of talk
aboul the Games around everyday people.
Maybe 1he 1996 Olympics jus1 sci 100
high a standard. Michael Johnson won

bo1h 1he 200 me1ers and 1he 400 mclcrs
The U.S. softball ,cam wen, undefca1cd
and Kerri Strug inspired the world with
one vault. Kun Angle also won the gold
medal for free style wrestling. h 's 1ruc,
it's true.

In I 998, lhe Uniled States decided
ii would be a good idea to allow pro•
fcaaiooals on its hockey ,cam. No,
only did the U.S. pros falter miJCrably
in their pmca and fail 10 medal, they
served u a complete embarrassment.

Complaining about lhe pay 1hey were

missin1 to
their couof o rb id

five pertbolr $3M

rie1) an
Olympic villap


lry (heaven
they lose
annual salt·

truhing the
,n a clnmken ram-

.,.. _ _, !be fioceumplcs of
11lil ia aot to ..Y that all profes1loul allll- are petulant prima
daml11, INt I ......,... that amateur
11111- - many of wbom will never
enjoy a bilPf- in their careers
- an more likely to exhibit the thinp
tllat the Olymplca should embody:
pride, emotion and true love for the

While the Games have undergone many

changes since their inauguration hundreds

ofyears ago, tl1e one thing lhat has remained
lhe same is lhe idea behind lhem. Countries
unile symbolically in peace and unity, bu1
look to oufpCrfom one another in various
events. National pride is on the line.
Professional athletes were not allowed 10
panicipalc in the Olympics until, few yc:us
ago, but the question should nol be, is lhis a
good idea, but rather, what cook so
Iona? A •·na.
tional festival''
pits nations
against one an-

01hcr and

the facl that

our nation

happens to
grell<$1 baslcCI·

poaees the
ball players
on 1hc planet
should DOI be
held apinSI us.
Americans showd take pride in our countries'buketball prowess. The Olympics are
c..-on,onunity to abow !he rcs1 ofthe world
thal when ii comes to die lwcl wood, we arc
the beoc. What•, wrong wilh lha1? Should
we bold beck on the court because it's "un-

It is unfair. and it is also somewhat bor·
ma ......use ·~ pmes are never in doub~
only the fllllgin ofvictory is, but the Olympict are not about cqualily. At the root of
the Gemes is competition and lbere is no

· - Ibey
ia the
day wben tbflC players
actually aot to compele, I threw all my
1uppon behind tbae underdog Amcri..... 111d loved evety ICCOlld, victory or
no vieto,y. Quito the.- to the 2000
pow, when, NBC ii beping the country to tune in and watch overpaid NBA
stan demolish olhcr countries, most of
which haven't 1he sligh1es1 chance of
even competing. Fo,gct ii.

reason why the U.S. should hold beck simply bccauae we have professionals who arc
really, really good al the sports 1hey play.
Yet, they can be cry babies sometimes
But Iha! unfonwwe fact ofthe sports' world
is anod!cr matter allogether. There are lhe
Olympic Ga/lies and game, arc mean, to be
played 10 lhc bcsl of one's ability. In many
cases, our bes• arc professionals.

- Bys,..., Mar,i

- By Mau Richenthal

-Vou'R trying to compare " flaablighr to a star. Flashlights only last so long; a star is in the sky
mma. He's not even dose to me and anyone who knows football knows that"
S., 11,,o r,ltl, . . . ,.......,...... .,.,,_, -""-I Iii,, - uliot, diserun•g bu former New
t1m -'-J..,

.. •: •...,_a,--. .,. .m,-.,,.,..,,,,-



''You've tried
the rest. • • • •
Now try
the Best!''

We Deliver 824-2112





n'* Jn.


September 22, 2000



Patriot League/ECAC standings
Me11 's Soccer

Wo111e11 's Soccer

Conference Overall
6·0· 1
,.o.o 4-3-0
,.o.o 2-4- 1
Holy Cross

0- 1-0
0- 1-0
Holy Cross


Field Hockey

C.-;11/erem:e Overall
Holy Cross


Conference Q.,•erall

Holy Cross

0· 1



Co11ftrence Overall

H~ly Cross





HANDS OFF: The men's- &nkh-1 ?-J luc .,,,1.....i 1a dN Rod Reider a..;~ Colpse beat
Tennon and St. PI I :ad .... pl,,,- Bachdl ..... Comdl.



Game(s) of The week

T he vc~, nature of homecoming weekend indicates that the
game of the week will be the foot·
ball team's match up against
Fordham tomorrow at I p.m.
The Red Raiders make their season debut at Andy Kerr Stadium,
coining offofa 42-24 victory over

the Big Green of Dartmouth last

Colgate is 1-1 on the year. and
this weekend's showdown will be
its first Patriot League game ofthe

The Red Raiders arc led by

sophomore quar1crback Tom
McCune. McCune threw four
touchdown passes last weekend
against Oanmou1h1 which tied the

school record. He also had a rush·
ing touchdown and 282 yards
passing to help 1hc team.
In just his second game a.s a
starter, McCune stepped up as one
of the team leaders.
Other key players to watch arc
junior linebacker Ron Hampton,
senior linebacker Ahmad Russell
and senior dcfcn~ivc lineman and
tri•captain Alex Houston.

• Denotes Patriot Laguc/ECAC
Colgate 42, Dartmouth 24
Mt n's Soc.ter
Cclgate 4. St. Peter's I

Colgate 4, Towson 3 (20T)
St. Bonaventure 4, Colgate 3
Women's Soccer
Colgate 4. Holy Cro$$ O
Morehead State 3. Colgate 0
(15-10, 15-3, 15-6)
Colgate 3. Drexel I
(12·15, 15-10. 15-3, 15-6)

Pennsylvania 3. Colgate 0
(1S-5, 15-6, IS-4)
Younp,own 3, Colgate 0
(15-13, IS-10, 15-6)
Elon 3, Colgate I
(IS-13, 10-15. IS-5, 15-9)

Cornell 4, Colgate 0
Bucknell Invitational
(lewi.Jburg. Pa.) • lst/18
CNIP Coantry
Orange Classic(Syracuse. N. Y.)
Men 2nd. Women 5th

Field Hockey
Colgate 2, Lehigh I

uyco111i11g Red Raider syorts Action
Home games in CAPS
For the week of September 22-29. 2000

• Dt.:notcs Pa1r101 Lcague/ECAC Comest


BUCKNELL• ................................................................................. 7:00


vs. Roben Morris (at Towscn) ........................................................ 5:00

Saturday, September 23


FOROHAM .................................................................................... 1:00


HOLY CROSS• ............................................................................... 12:00


at Wtllioms ......................................................................................TBA


Kristine Thomas '02
Hometowa : Johnstown, N.Y.
Sport: Field Hockey
Position: Forward
n1s Week: The field hockey team beat Lehigh last
week for its lint win of the season. This raised the
Red Raiden' Palriot League record to 1-1. Colgate
wiU bolt Holy Croos tomonow in another key league
Qt,ohllle: "We have had a tough sta11 this season,
but we always come out with intensity and play bani.
We hope to tum around our season, play confidondy
111tlrcmaincompelitive in the Patriot Lettgue. J. W.8."

at Bucknell' .......................................................................................4:00


at lbwson...................................................................................... 10:00
vs. Radford (nt Towson)................................................................ 3:00


at Ceruml Connecticut Invitational.. .............................................. I :00


at Comell .......................................................................................TBA

Sunday, September 24


FRESNO STATE............................................................................ 12:00


VERJ\10NT. ................................................................................... I:00


., Willia,ns............................ ..........................................................TOA


:it Comell .......................................................................................TBA

Tuessday, S•ptember 26





B - •: York, Me.
Sport: Soccer
TIiis WNII: The men'ssocc:a team~strong
oft"enaive conaol in their tine pmes this put week.
One included a dramatic 3-2 win over TOWIOII Univenity in the Red Raider Classic. With a 3-4-0
record, they travel to Bucknell tomorrow for a pmc
at 4 p.m.
Qfftallle: "As a tcem, we are very optimistic about
the rest of the ...on. We have aet high goals for
ourselves and will be disappointed if we don't

achieve lhem.•


September 22, 2000

Dominating R11ggers Destroy
SUNY Albany At Home, 48-5

Colgate Makes Drexel First
Vu:tim On Volleyball. Fwor

.the holes in the defense and

By Matthew Mehner!


The women's volleyball
1c1m again had I tough weekend, this lime at the Sheraton
lnvitationai, hosted by the University or Pennsylvania in
Philadelphia. Although it was
not the best of outcomes, the
team did emerge with their first
victory of the season over
Drexel University,
After a tough first few
weeks. the team does have a
silver lining to focus on coming out of their last weekend.
As a team, their hitting percentage rose 70 poin1s 1 to a
more respectable . II S . The
Red Raiders have increased

every one of their team averages in the course of five
matches, the most dramatic
being their digs per game ,
which rose from 7.811010.79.
This is clearly an indication of
things to come, as 1hc Patriot
League sea s on is ju s t two
weeks away.
Maybe the mos1 important
statistic from the weekend was
the reemergence of the Red
Raider blocking game, whic h
had been somewhat dormant in
the season's opening two
weeks. The Red Raide,s now
have five players with doubledigit figures in blocks.
This was one of the major
components to the team ·s run
to the championship last sea.
son and again is viewed as one
of its strengths. If they continue to amprove as much defensively as they have in the
last week, then surely they will
create headaches for opposing
.. The execution was much
better this weekend," Head
Coach Dorinda von Tersch
said. "That is a good sign for
us. Everything was better this
weekend, bolh offensively and
defensively. Our blocking was
much improved. but still probably not at its peak. Our attackers did a beher job of finding

putting the ball away. We are
in a good position right now,
despite wha1 our record may
The team was fueled by the
efforts of senior co-captain
Laura Rohrbacher, who earned
her second All-Tournament selection of the season, collecting 30 kills, 44 digs and 23
blocks in just four matches.
Her 11 solo blocks for the
season has moved the Washington standout into fourth
place all lime, with the school
record well within sight.
Sophomor Amanda Routman
also had an impressive weekend. Her 47 kills were a team
high, as were her SI digs over
the weekend. Having already
lead the Patriot League in service aces during her first campaign, Routman's service game
is also on the rise, with her
seven service aces thus far
good enough for third on the
team. Fellow outside hiller, SC·
nior Li sa Breiner, c ontributed
33 kills and 39 digs, whi le surpassing Vicky Chun '9 I for
fiflh place in school history
with 925 career digs to date.
Not to be outdone, sophomore Melissa Rawson also had
a solid )Vtekend on the outside,
collecting 22 kills, 22 digs and
four service aces. Rawson's 19
kills versus Elon College was
a team season high, as she was
able 10 showcase her unbelievable power.
The setting tandem ofsopho·
more Amy Rawson and senior
Christine Fyda also played
well in the tournament.
Rawson had 101 assists while
Fyda added 33 assists in the
collective effort. Rawson also
chipped in with 13 blocks, 10
digs and IO service aces while
Fyda collected 21 digs.
"We are definitely playing 11
a higher level than in lhe first
week: of play," von Tersch said.
" We will altempt to bring our
level of play to even higher
levels this weekend and carry


By \\I. Bart Larmouth
Mart>tm·Nl'w., $1afl

POWER: The women's
• o lleyball team d own, t he
Dtael Dnpm to record its 6nt
wia of the teat0n. The team wiU
plaf in the T ennon Univenity
T ou rname nt t h is weekend.

Colaate will face Tow,on,
Rad.ford and Robert Morris.
that over to the start o f Pa triot
League play."
With the start of conference
play right around the c omer.
the Red Raiders need to regain
the form that won them a Patriot League championship las t
s eason.
One would expec t that
Rohrbacher and Breine r will
lead the charge over the next
few weeks, but it will most
likely be players like Routman
and j unior Michelle Mahaney
that arc mos t critic al to rhc
team ·s success.
The team wi 11 have to look
within itself and step up its
level of intensity if ii wants to
repeat, a very hard task by any
standards. However, this team
is more than capable o f doing
j ust that, and if they do, it will
be a ve·ry fun ride.
Before they can begin defense of their title, the team
will play in one final tune-up
tournament at Towson University. They wi 11 compete with
Towson. Radford University
and Robert Morris College
They will play RMC on Friday at S p.m . and then take to
the court again Saturday morning for a match with Towson at
10 a.m. and then Radford at 2

The Colgate men's rugby team
defeate d SUNY Albany by a
score o f 48-5 this weekend on
Academy field.
Colgate got on top early. scoring on a fast breakaway shortly
a fter the kickoff by junior Man
Richenthal. This early try gave
Colg:uc momentum that would
carry throughout the game. After the ensuing kickoff. Colgate ·s
scrum went to work, proving
what wo uld be the dominant
fo rce in 1hc game.
"Our scrum just pushed righ1
over top of Albany on every
scrum-down, and that let me easily steal many of their put-ins,"
senior hooker Josh S iegel said,
The dominance of Colgate's
forwards allowed the back line.
he aded qy senior n y-ha lf a nd
Co-Captain Nate dcKieffer, to
take a larger o ffens ive ro le
throughout the game.
Colgate quickly struck again,
with 1hc comb ina1ion of
deKeiffcr, Richenthal , sophomore Dustin Lehman and sophomore winger Adam Polifka to
score anothe r try to the ou1sidc,
courtesy of Richc ntha l. Following the quick kic koff, Colgate
would win the e ns uing scrum down, allowing Poliflca 10 take
the ball outs ide. and bea1 three
defenders t o score Colgate's
third try of the game .
"Our kicking ga me was really on today," senior fullback
Brian Kirchner said. '"With the
quickness of our team, m oving
the ball upfield off o f p op kicks was inc redibly e ffe ctive."
Such plays allowed Colgate
to keep the ball out of its half
of the fi e ld fo r muc h of the
game. However. a penalty kick
for touc h quic kly moved Al ·
bany into scoring posit io n.
A quick b urst fr om Albany's
inside center bro ught the ba ll
near the try line, but seni or
flanker Matt Green, along with
other me mbers o f the scrum,

stopped t he scoring atlcmpt .
After the fo ll owing scrumdown, Alba ny ' s eigh1-m :rn
crnwlcd into the try zone, giving Albany its o nly score of the
T hat would be the last t ime
Albany would be in Colgate's
'"red zone" for the rest of the
game. Richen1hal wou ld score
one more 1ry before the end of
the half. completing his ha1trick.
S hortly after t he ha lftime
kickoff, a pop -kic k by
Dc Keoffer moved Co lgate
down in10 Albany territory. allowing Green 10 pic k 1he ball
up off of a scrum and pound ii
ioto the try zone, taking scvc1al Albany player,~ with him.
After the successfu l point-after-attempt, Kirchner made the
score 31-5 in favor of Colgate.
Albany's offense began to
fall apart shortly after the ncx1
k ickoff. a nd a large string of
penalties made Colgate's ncx1
surge into Albany territory a lmost effort less.
The back l ine got another
chance at a score when senior
fl anker Ross Mac ln1yre s1ole
a n Albany throw-in. once again
putti ng Richcnthal in the back
of 1he try zone for his four th
and final try of 1hc game.
Fi rst-yea r w inge r G reg
S tevenson was s ubst ituted in
s honly therc afl:er and quickly
made his presence fc h by scoring his firs t c areer try, s liding
t h ro ug h A lbany's li ne unscathed . Colga te's fin a l try
would come off o f • dcKie ffcr
pop- kick right to Albany's goal
line . G reen took: advantage o f
Albany's bewilderm ent, laying
down a solid hit on t he poor
fl anker attcmp1 ing to catc h the
ball . Thi s a llowed the ball to
come o u1, letting Colga1c. wa lk
it in fo r the final try of the
Colgate wi 11 face off against
s trong Pau l Smi th's College
tea m this S unday on Academy
fi eld al I p,m , as part of the
Ho mecoming fostivitic;s .

Wom~s Soccer OJfTo Another Strong Start In Patriot I eague Play



ro11timtitdfmm pog~ 24


FLYING HIGH: s.,••...., Kriad , ,............,sn, after ... ball. n. __.,

_ , team

.... _ HolyCNN te laprew, l11,-r4 te '-2, 1-0 la ... PauiDtl.eapa. N- me Red Raiden
"-c:ltn..l, laOMrcli . , _ . _ ...... ..ia..,..c.1p,e .... HIii
State and
c....11 tWo ,.., .._.. C....te lo W ..,. ..i., S... Madan, wt,., - - . Patriot 1-pe
Ofti ,.,.. Pl.,.. efTloe w.. .rt. -rlns aw. pel, ap'aot Heir Crw. Malan ... tied her
oly IIIMP .... la ...... wid, a.., wWcl, ... aot la . . 11p••-- ,-r u Colptc. Hu fiye
.... Mft
dlk irura.





sophomore s eason.
The Red Raiders return 10 action tomorrow night in a con1es1
involving two of the 1hrce undefeated team s in th e Patriot
League. Bucknell enters the contest 5-2 overall and 2-0 in league
play. In its last two games, it defeated Navy 32 and Lehigh I·
0 in doubleo v e r1 i m e.
Bucknell is led
by goalkeeper
Laurie Purse
who, last week,
Brine/Patriot League Defensive
Player of the Week due to her
five consecutive victories and
shutout over Lehigh.
Lasi season Colgate defeated
Bucknell 2· 1 on overtime in
Lewisburg, Penn . Colgate leads
the all-time series with a record
of I 0-1-0 and has won the last
five meetings.
On Sunday afternoon, Colgate
welcomes Fresno State to
Hamilton. The Bulldogs travel
east for a two game set against
Cornell and Colgate, fac ing both
for the first time. Fresno State

enters the game 5-3 overall nftcr
two consecutive victories over
Fa irfield a1td Weber Stale. The
Bulldogs arc led by J ill Pearson,
who.l ast week was named Western Athletic Conference Player
of the Weck. ancr she scored live
goals in their last two victories.
The women cap off this week
of p lay Wednesday night under
the ligh1s agains1
Contell. The Big
Red arc 1-3, but
wi ll play two
ga mes. agai nst
Fresno Staie a nd
Pe nnsylvania. before tra vel i ng to Co lgate .
Cornell's lone win came in a 2-1
Ivy League contes1 again::.1 Columbia.
Cornell also suffered a 1-0 loss
10 Colorado College, who also
narrowly defeated Colgate earlier 1his season in the Hamp1on
Inn Lobo lnvita11onal in Albu·
querque, N.M .
~olga1e is 8-11 -2 in their his~
tory against Cornell. Last season. Cornell beat Colgate 2- 1 in
overtime in a matchup in Ithaca.
N.Y. in which Maziarz scored 1hc
lone goal for Colgate.





September 22, 2000

Men's Soccer Triumphs Over Towson, St. Peters; Falls To St. Bonaventure
,,m11m,rtJ/rr>r11 past' 24

flank of the Peacock defense.
Gelman jukes his marker by
pushmg 1hc ball pas, 1hc off-balance Peacock fullback to release
a quick cross in front of the
goalmouth where
Skonicctki wa~ there for a crowd
pleasing diving header 10 record
his firth goal of 1hc season.

Thi:, goal pu1 Colgaic up 01 31and dcnatcd St. Pc1cr's morale.
Still going tit full force and playmg at 100¾. Colgate iallicd one

more po1111 In the 87th minute,
.sophomore m1dliclllcnncs ran 1hc ball 1hrough

hca\'Y1raflic, surrounded by four
Pc~acock players m the box. Peacock goalkccJlcr Michael Sylvia

was dra\, n off his hnc only 10
leave the goal wide open where
I lcnnc:. was able 10 deftly pass
1hc ball to his righ1 to freshman

striker Cory Roscnlhal who
calmly slo1 the ball utto the net.
With a final score of 4-1,
Colgalc dominaled lhe game
with quick passing in 1hc
midfield and a strong defense
tha1 St Peters could not ma1ch.
Colga1c ou1Sho1 S1. Pc1crs 22-3.
Brunncll saw lmlc ac1ion ln the
game having only recorded one
save. although the goal given up
in lhe penally kick was a fluke.
Colga1c played well and was
well organized.
The 1hird game or the Red
Raider Classic on Saturday, Sept.
I 6, saw Albany defeat S1. Peter's
4-2 wi1h slrong play, However,
Colgate 's performance agains1
Towson Tigers was worthy for
the game of the week, where
Colgate won 4-3 in double overtime.
Towson was 1he first to put a
point on the board in the 24th
minute when Tiger stri ker
Alfonso OcMarcs carried 1he
ball into 1hc box paSI a shaky
Colga1c defense 10 s1rikc 1hc ball
lhat forced Jon Brunncll to make
a brilliant save. However, the
rebound from 1he save is
scooped up by OeMares and he
slo1s the ball into the net.
Four minutes later, Colgate
equalizes when Skonicczki collected teammate senior Conor
f-larrrison·s rebounded shot off
Tiger keeper Andy Hicks to slot
the ball into the net.
The rest of the firs1 half saw
both teams playing s1rong and
1hey left the field at half-1ime
w11h rhc score at 1-1. Al the start
of the second half, Towson came
ou1 wi1h fire and they scored
brrnging the lead 10 2- 1 in the
53rd nunutc. Once again, a
shaky Colg:uc defense allowed
I lcnncs 10 find unmarked striker
Alfons,) DcM:ircs on the lcfi side
10 slot the ball into the net 10
collect his second goa l or 1hc
Ten mmutes l:1tcr. Colgate rc)pondcd w11h fury that saw
freshman midfielder Zach
Shippy rise above 1hc Towson

defense to head the ball in10 the
lcfi con,cr from a cross delivered
by freshman midfielder Jon
Gelman . rt was Stuppy's first
collegiate goal.
With a score at 2-2, the
Colgate dcrcnsc awarded
Towson a direct kick in the 7 1s t
minute. From a dangerous position at the top of the box Tiger
midfielder Todd Lauber placed a
knuckle-ball spin on the ball as
it bended over the wall catching
Brunell off his line making a
fran1ic auempt 10 push the ball
away from the goal as it sailed
rnto the left corner of the net.
Trail ing a1 3-2. the Red Raiders
were playing w11h desperation.
The Tigers had severa l
chances 10 increase their lead,
but frc~hnrnn fullback iJrian
McDermoll kepi Colgate in the
game by making two goal line
saves. A key save was in the 87th
minute when Brunell was
stranded a1 the 1op of his box
watching a Towson striker volley 1hc ba ll 1hat McDcrmotl
cleared acrobatically w ith his
lcfl leg on the goal line.
Two minutes late r, with
Colga1c on 1hc offensive, S1uppy
again rose above and beyond the
cal I of duty to tic the game and
go into overtime. Sophomore
midfie lder Mi chael Hubbard
worked his way around two
Towson defenders 10 make a low
cross from ,he e nd line where
Stuppy bcalS 1hc keeper al 1hc
near post to slip the ball into 1he
At full•tirne the score was tied
at 3-3, where both teams needed
to play two IS minute halves al
sudden-death con1cn1 ion. The
first over-time half saw two faligucd teams play scrappily for
1hc ball. This fatigue was present
in the second half, as errant fou ls
were commilled by both teams
and saw two Colgate players
As the minutes ticked by and
a tie at stake, Viel broke the
deadlock. Sophomore midfielder
Nick Smi1 h s1rippcd the ball
from a fatigued Tiger midfielder
at the halfway line. Colgate was
on 1he counter-attack with a four
versus three advantage. Smi1h
crosses the ball to an unmarked
Vici on the far righ1 side where
he senlcs 1hc ball and blas,s a
powerful shot 1ha1 glances off
the inside pos1 and into the net.
It was a dramatic win for the
Red Raiders and a hcartbreakcr
for the Towson Tigers. Both
teams played hard producing
brilliant goalscoring opportunities and key defensive plays. On
1hc whole, Colga1c played well
and recovered well from their
"\Ve rough, hard al l night
long," Colgate head coach Mike
Oohcr1y said. "I 1hough1 we got
ourselves in a hole a couple of
times, bu1 we kepi fighting out
of it. We had freshman. sopho-

The Intramural Sports Report:
of38-29. They-'° 3-G,

After only two wccb, lbc
flag football 10UOD is Off 10 I
bang. Competition bu been
both fierce IIDd cxciliDI while,
surpri>ingly, the weather bu

cooperated everyday IO for.
Looking IO eooriaue !heir lift,
dereated ND in rqular IOU OD
play, tho Baaoflho lndlpa*'III

Donn Leo&ue delolled/lndiewl
in d,c;r lint cloae pme witll 1

paal uplhcirIIOOlld win ID plD

2-1 OD die IIUIIII wfth I will C:-, 27-1-4.
ADOIMrlmjlf111· ... ....
.......... the. .atCWIII.

1i-...,. ..... llllb . ..

----"541 .........

.. ...

.,,hrt Ftp BIDd, 34-6. OltJGD
IIY ""'",_.i .._t9lolfl' _,.

phow b) Jomrs Kn~l".1

TAKING IT TO THE BOX: S•nior Brendan Skoniecdu and ,.nior midfielder Conor Harri.son
producic some key plays in Colgate's victories in the: Red Raider Classic Jut w«kc:nd.
mores.juniors, seniors, everyone
just played well out there."
All players showed Oashcs of
brilliance, including stolid defensive p lays from fullbacks
McDcrmon, Gerges, and Curlis,
who also displayed his offensive
abili1ics by making terrorizing
runs into the opponents box . For
the two-goal hero, Zach S1uppy,
ii was a night to remember.
"I was jus1 in the right place at
the right time,.'' Stuppy said.
"Both times we were pushing up
because we were down, and I'm
normally a defender, but they
pushed me up because we
needed a linlc extra offense." "I
scored a game-tying goal in high
school, bu1 college is a liulc bi1
different. 1 guess i1's my welcome to college."
Colga1e 's two wins during the
Red Raider Classic didn't 1ransfer over to the game against
Saint Bonaventure on Wednesday, Sep1embcr 20. A l1hough
Colgate was the first to score in
the 13ch minute from a direct
kick 23 yards out 1ha1 went
lhrough the wall by Viel,
Colgate's play did not mirror its
perfonnance in the Classic for
most of the game.
A leaky Red Raider defense
s11w two Saint Bonaventure goals
scored within seven minutes before the halr-tiine mark. In the
35th minute, Saint Bonaventure
midfielder Scan Kchy scored
from a c hip over the Red Raider
wall from fu llback Nick Blair 10
s lot the ball in10 the net for the
Then, in the 45th m inute,
Kelty returned the favor by scr·
vicing a pass through a hole in
the Colgate defense into the center of the box 1hat drew Brunell

off his line, but Bonnie striker
Johnny Phoumanny beat Brunell
10 the ball for a 2- 1 lead into
Colgate switched up goalkeepers at half-time, by replacing Jon
Brunell with first year Will Martin .
Bonaventure did not make it
easy for Marlin. The Boonies
went straight for the 1hroa1 of the
Red Raider defense, by scoring
30 seconds afier the whistle was
Bonnie suiker Said A li
stripped a Colgate defender or
1hc ball in 1hc midfield 10 pass
off to teammate Joe Baiata in the
box. Martin was drawn off his
line to get a hand on the ball but
the ball bounced off Baia1a for
him 10 settle the ball and slot the
ball into 1hc open net.
Goal-scoring opportunities
were few and rare, and Colga1e
failed to capitalize when the opportunily presented itself, One
opportunity came in the 30th
minute but Bonnie goalkeeper
Gocff Mauch collec1cd the ball
coolly with Skonicezki running
onto the ball in despair.
Throughou1 1hc second hair,
Saint Bonaventure defended
with five men on the Colga1c
counter-attacks, leaving no oplions for the Red Raiders 10 advance forward into goal•scoring
In t he 79th minute, the
Sonnies again s liced at the Red
Raiders throat. With some hard
work, Scan Kelty shook off1hrec
Colgate players in 1hc box to run
to the endlinc where he crossed
the ball \hat Bonnie Eric Bach
volleyed into the net for a 4-1
Frustration showed on the

Colgate players• faces, but they
regained their pride by answering with some brilliant offensive
work 1hat penetrated the
Bonnie's defense.
In the 84th minute, a wonderfu l dummy ball fromSkoniezcki
allowed Harrison's pass to reach
unmarked Vici on the far s ide of
the net where a powerful volley
was out of reach of the
goalkeeper's arms. It was Vicl's
sixth goal this season.
Wi1h 1hc score al 4-2, the Red
Raiders played hard to score an01hcr point. Sophomore fullback
Brian McDennon soole the ball
from a Bonnie player to play a
pin-point pass to Brendan
Skoniczcki at the 1op or the box
in a s niper position to catch
Mauch off-guard and slo1 the
ball home.
As 1he c lock winded down.
Colga1c dcspera1e ly tried to
equalize. To no avail, at full·
lime, 1he score ended in a 4-3
Colga1c played well in the firsl
twenty minutes of the game until the first Bonnie goal seemed
to dissolve the defensive wall.
Brunell recorded one save in 1he
firs, hair while panncr Will Martin recorded cigh1.
Despite the two consolation
goals in the last five minu1es that
made 1he score-line somewhat rcspcclablc, Colgate did not look
menacing tonight ··we just didn'1
come out with enough energy tonight," Colga1c M ike Doherty
said. ''The only time we started
lo play with some urgency was in
the final five minutes." Colgate's
record is now 3-4--0.
The Red Raiders go on the road
tomorrow, 10 take on Patriot
league rivalBuckncll at 4 p.m.



September 22, 2000


Lead Way For
Red Raider
By Maeve Mullally
Mnroon-NrM'l StQJf

Any collegiate athlete wi II attest to the nervousness and apprehension that accompany the
move from high school sports to
the Divi sion I arena. The o ld
analogies of big fish and lilllc
ponds and of totem poles seem
a lmost i nseparable from the
emotions of that fi rst year.
This fi rst year, so oflcn tenncd
the "transitio n year" holds few
expectations o n the young athlc1c and is usually aided by 1he
assurance chat the game is still
the same game, with the people
and places as the only differences.
But what if the game had aclUall y changed and you were
forced to not only climb a new
totem pole and become accustomed to the brand new faces and
places of Division I competition,
but also adapt 10 a crucial c hange
in your event?
This is cxac1ly the challenge
faced by male cross-country runners; rather than the SOOO-meter
races they ran in high school,
1hese athletes arc met with an additional two miles at the collegiate level, changing the socalled "game," entirely.
In rime their transition is completed, but as first-years, it
seems natural that few expectations wou ld be imposed a11d
some excuses granted. However.
wi1h their success in the pas1 1wo
meets, it appears the first-years
of Colga1c ·s cross-country 1eam
have paid little attention to this
The men and women ·s cross
country teams traveled to Syracuse this past Saturday to compelc in the Orangemcn 's annual
Syracuse ctoss-country Classic.
With bo1h teams running s horth1111dcd, it was the task of the
first-years and several other underclassmen to step up for the
Red Raiders.
Head Coach Arthur McKinnon
held out the three senior co-capta ins - Tim McCusker, Man
Cosco. and J .R. Board - on 1he


McCune's Four TD Passes
Power Colgate To First Win
,.,,,m,mnlJmm /KISt' l.J

part of the game that Colga1c was
beaten wa!) in penah1e'-. Colgate
hnd 12 pc11ah1cs for a total of 90
"The number one thing '\\ c
hove 10 cu1 down on •~ penal·
tics." McCune s:ud . ··coach
Biddle 1s making sure tlml we're
improving upon that ansure we will. "
Tomorrow Colgate w ill host
pl1o1o t-oim,vy t(AJl1ler,r Comm,m irarlmn Fordham in the ream finn home
RUN (IN THE) FOREST, RUN: The Red Raiden were lead la,1 game of the year. Fordham has tl
weekend by many underclassmen on both the men's and women's I ·2 record and srnnds at 0- 1 in
erou country ream,, Both team.s an: off' to Connecticut this weekend the Patriot League. Last season
to compdc in the Central Connecticut Invitational.
the Red Raiders won the meet•
ing. 49-24.
"Everyo ne is excited about
men's side~ and the top three run- well."
ners on the women's team. junComple1ing the scoring fo r playing 111 front or a home
io r Jenny McCarthy. sophomore the Red Raiders were fan Hill crowd." Hampton said. '"\Ve fee l
Courtney Daniels and senior Co~ and Andrew Bell both breaking that we have to step up our game
Caplain Meli MacCurdy.
28 minutes and placing to another level. We don' t want
"The main reason for holding Colgate a soli d second among to be beaten o n our field. We're
these athletes out of the meet is the IO teams competing.
gonna have fan support from
that th e teams face Patri o1
The women 's side s aw fine start to finish. so we definitely
League rival Holy Cross next performances from a number want to come out and play well."
Saturday in Connect ic ut ," of underc lassmen, fini s hing
As the 1eam heads in1 0
McKinnon said.
fifth i n the team scor ing. tomorrow 's game. it has one
Despite the absence of the Sophomore Caitlin Donahoe more proven team leader.
team ·s usual leaders, the men finished firs , for the Red Raid- McCune. His position naturally
posted an outstanding perfor- ers. fourth overall in a time
hoists him inro a leader position
mance, finishing second overall 19 : I 9, for !he 5000 - mcier and his performance last week
in the competition . Once again course.
adds to this status.
led by firSt- ycar Louie OiNuuo.
Second for Colga1e and also
" I enjoy it {be ing a team
w ho covered the 8000-mcter breaking the 20-minute barrier leader]," McCune said. " I like
course in 26:JS and finishing in I 9;S4, was firs1-ycar being pul in ond trying to lead
sixth overall, the firsl-year men Step hanie Davis, who. al- 1hem [Red Raiders). I do my best
impressed wi1h a performance though not confronted by the and go out there and have fun."
thal Cosco noted as "beyond in crease in d istance of the
Ano1hcr minor concern for the
their years··.
first-year men, has proven in match up 1omorrow is the deFoll owing race strategy. her first two s howings to have fense. The defensive squad gave
DiNuzzo and fellow first years the ability to run like a veteran. up 414 yards against Dartmouth.
Xavier de Boissezon and Travis
Another outstanding first But there arc a lot of returning
Brooks. packed tightly and ran year performance came from
the firsl half oCthe race together. Stephan ie Cow les. who finThe group surpassed cxpccta• ished 1hird for the 1cam 111
t1ons, by dcmons1rating not only 20:0S. Senior Co-Captain S;1ra
their abili1y 10 execute strategy, Kaufman was next 111 a 1,mc of
but in 1heir positioning, which 20:06. a 30-second 11nprovcsaw them among the top ten mc111 on her persona l bes1.
leaders for the majority of the Rounding out the scoring for
By Laura Zanotli
Colgate was sophomore
Mtlfr'Nm·Nt•\\.\ Stal)
With all lhree breoking the 27• Eleanor F111 11ega 11 . who ha s
mi11ute barrier, de Boissezon in made a remarkable comeback
Entrenched 111 the season.
ninth overall with a finish of from knee surgery finishing woman's field hockey 1s s11ll
26:35. and Brooks in 121h wi1h with a time of21: 16.
h;.w 1ng a hard time staying o
26:SS. il was difficult no1 10 be
With the talented and expe- float. They talhcd theit !>\lventh
rienced upperclassmen to join loss in the season by fa ll ing 10
.. , was excited to sec their them this com111g weekend 111 Cornell'-. 81g Red this past
com pct it i vcncss but worried Connecticut, t he outstanding Wednesday 4that 1hc two-mile difference performance of these under- 0. The Red
over high school would rnkc it~ classmen suggests that the suc- Rattler, ore
10II," McKinnon said. "They cess of Red Raider cross com1· now 1-7 ond
handled the pace and distance try has o nl y just begun.
the Big Red 2-


starlets from lihl yc.:1r and 1hc
young player, hll\C bc..:1\ g1\Cn
"lot playing 11111e in the l;.1'1 t\\O
wcch The team abo \\\Itched
pos1t1on,; around to lintl the Op·
1111ml ,;pot for each pla)et
"From the fir:-.11wo g:11nc, \\e

i.Touchdown '' Tom McCune
got a lot o f experience," Hampton said. " I lhink we're sound defensively once evctyonc 1s playing the right position I thmk
we're ge11111g beucr every game.
Throughout 1he season everyone
is gomg 10 get belier a,; they get
more experience 111 game :,1tua1ions."
The homecommg game is to·
morrow at I p.m at Andy Kerr

Field Hockey Team Sticks It
To Lemgh For First Victory


p/tOlo by Lnl~ n.c..np.,·on

CHECK MATE: ne womea'• flcld liockey team licat Lcl,igl, lut week for iu flrat win of the
..,..._ TIie Reel Raiclcn will boat Holy Y'ON aad Vermont thil weekcad in hopa of improviq
d1cir record wltla nro wiaa.

Equ i pped
wi1h strong offensive p layers, the Red
Raiders were
unable to sec ure a goal in
the first half. Cornell firs1-year
Lindsay Grace made the first
move, netting the Big Red's first
goal from inside the circle. Firstyear teammate Karlc1gh Burns
followed Gray ·s lead and lo fled
the 81 g Red 10 2-0 at half tune
The Red Raider-. conti11uec.l 10
s truggle in the second holftts Bag
Red leading scorer Anna Starkey
fin ished off 1he game w11h 1wo
goals off of a pair of penalty corners
On the up:,ide. the Red Raiders achieved their first win of the
sca:,on in o Potnot League game
against Lehigh last Sa1urday.
" The w in definitely boos1ed
our confidence," j unior fotward
Kristine Thomas said, "A fter s ix
loses it gets really hard . We
stepped up our play against
Lehigh and would like 10 keep
playing that way."
Thomas secured the final goal

of the game w11h a hulc le:-!'. than
14 mmutes left 111 the -.econd h.1lf
hftrng the Red Raider:-. 2-1 O\Cr
the Mountmn lla\,kS
The Mounwm l lawk, :,uffcrcd
their third straight loss of the
:.-cason and their first Patriot
League loss. Lehigh 1:-. llU\\ 3-1
overall and 0-1 m the P,1tno1
'(he Red Raider, "ere ;1blc to
hold 1he Mour1·
tam H,rnls 111
the lir,t half. a,
\\ a~
able IO 1ocorc the
mllwl goal ol tht..·
gomc wllh the
ass1~1s from seniors Joh:inna
I larvcy ~111d cocapwin Ashley ltarnc~. Moun •
tain llawk Shelly Trumbore res ponded to Thomas· first goal
with a penalty stroke a1 the 27;37
marks. Le hi g h was unable to
match Thoma~· second goal
Junior goa lkeeper Natalie
McLcnaghan had nine :,;.;a\ c,
while ~fountain ll a\\k kei.:per
Margo Smith closed the co,11cst
w ith fiv e.
This weekend the Red R:uders
"111 face 11s third pa1r101 lcagu..:
opponent of the season. Colgatr
will play Hol) Croits for their
homecommg game this Saturd::t)
a, 12:00.

01.C; ;\ T
L r\1\l li ~IIY

September 22, 2000

1hr aJolgatr '.llaro11n-°Nrllls


Looking For
Three S-eraight
Ibis Weekend

Tap Tomorrow

By Joseph A. Brazauskas

By Jas on Poll•ck

Mot(J(Jn•Nt111·s Staff

Collfllll' Sp11rl\ Fdilnr

Four touchdown passes. a oncy:lrd rushing touchdown. 18 o f
27 pass,ng and 282 yards pass•
1ng. Sophomore quarterback

Tom McCune 's stat sheet against
Dartmouth hist weeke n d .
McCune le<.! the Red Raiders 10
a 42-24 victory over the Dig
Green. This was Colgate's firs t
win of the !'-Cason, raising i1s
record to 1- 1.
"I thrnk he's [McCune] defimtcly dorng a good Job." Junior

linebacker Ron Ha mpton said.


" He's s howing a lot of con fidence in himself nnd his rccc,vcrs. llc's making good decisions
anti I thmk he'll o nly gel bc ucr
as the season goes on."

THE RED R AIDERS prepare for their home opener tomorrow against the Fordham Rams.
Colgate (1 -1) abo opens league play when it takes the field at I p.m. Sophomore quarterback
Tom McCune paHed for four touchdowns as the team rebounded from an opening-week loss
with a 42..24 win over Da rtmouth lut weekend.
s ucceed a s a quarterback .
Desp ite McCune's success for Colgate. The Red Raiders
McCune c ued the offensive unil thus far. he s1ill t hinks t hat dominated in time of posses·
around him as the reason for his Chere's a lot for him to improve sion, keeping the ball ror 37
minutes of a 60·minute game.
"[ thought our offensive line
"I'm still making a lot of mis· Colgate also had 528 offensive
did a great job," McCune said. takes and [ need to improve," he yards and, despice Dartmouth's
.. They 're young and they're said ... ,n time I will and now I'm 414, this is more than enough
s tarting to gel. Our receiving just trying to minimiz.c them."
put Colgate in good position,
core a lso played very well. cs·
Most of the aspects of the 10 win every game. The only
pccially our tight ends."
Dartmouth game were positive

..., 11h the four touchdown passes.

not too shabby a fea1 fo r only his
second start as the 1eam·s quar·
terback Another notable poin1 is
1h01 McCune d id not throw for a
111tereep11011 during 1he game. He
stayed in the pockc1 and demon·
strated the pa tie nce needed 10

Red Raiders Record Impressive Pair Of Victories
By Derek Hon>
A.Hi,u1n1 Comm,111ar) £d,wr

Lost weekend, t he Colgate
Universily m en ·s soccer team
hosted the Colgate Red Raider
Classic Tourname nl. inv iting
Towson S tate (Md.), SUNY-Albnny and St. Peter 's ( N.J .).
O pening up the first game o r the
tournament las1 fn day, was the
Towson Tigers dc fc a11ng t he
Great Dan es o f Albnny 3-2.
8 01h te ams were compe111ive.
but Towson e merged the belier
of the two.
Next on the pitch was Colgate
versus the Peacocks of St. Peters,
Commg o fTa goal•seoring spree
from a 6·2 win over Oinghannon
111 the previous week. the Red
Raiders once ag:un carried their
dcsin; to win 11110 this game.

Four minutes after the whistle
was blow11, s enior striker
Brendan Skonicczki scored. A
passing network bc1wcen fresh·
man fullback Brian McOennou
and sophomore midfielder Marc
Hubbard set Skonicczki up for a
powerful volley that graz.ed the
grass and s urged in10 the net.
In the I 8th minute, a careless
fou l commined by a Peacock
fullbock owardcd the Red Raiders a direct kick on the top of 1he
box. Senior fullback Josh Viel
nonchalantly bent the ball over
the wall and into the nc1 10 bring
1hc score a1 2-0.
Five minutes later, an unchar•
actcris tic de fens ive error by SC•
nior defender Mau Renner in the
Colgate penalty box awarded St.
Pe1cr' s a penalty kick .
Midfielder Victor Lytvincnko

stepped up and placed the ball in
the left side of the net. First•ycar
Colgate goalkeeper Jon Brunnell
guessed right but was s1 ill
beaten. ft was 1he only action he
saw that night because his de·
fende rs protected him well by
allowing 1hrce shots and recording one save for the night.
By halftime the score was 2-1
in favo r of the Red Raiders. The
second ha If proved 10 be more
physical. There was a succession
of dangerous plays that cou ld
have caused players on bo1h
1eams serious injury, Within
minutes, two players were
booked for tackles worthy or a
rugby match. First it was Pea•
cock fullback Michael Smith,
booked fo r a reckless tackle on
Red Raider j unior fullback.
Colyer Curtis. Playing hard for

the ball Red Raider Renner slid
feel first, catching his boot on
Peacock midfielder Victor
Lytvincnko's knee in mid ..
air. The tackle was worthy of an
ejection, but Renner was spared
with a yellow card.
Besides the sloppy play, the
Colgate defense set up a block·
adc tha1 deterred any offensive
attacks on keepe r Brunnell,
thanks to the commanding pres·
ence of fullbacks senior Tim
Gcrges, Vici, Curtis and Renner.
It wasn '1 un1il 1he 73rd minute
where the goal oft he tournament
scaled the coffin of defeat for the
Peacocks. Vici, set up the play
with perfecl vision from the
midfield, passing the ball to first·
year midfielder Jon Gelman who
was s treaking down the right
ro,1tinut'd "" pagt 12

Maziarz Sparks Women's Soccer To Wm In I eague Opener
By Yariv Amir
1h11Ht111t Spmh fr/,r11,

The Colgate women ·s soccer
1cam li.1cked oti us home and Patriot League season in s tyle last
Saturday Jf\crnoon, s hutting out
ll oly Cross 4 -0. The win 1m·
provccl the Red Raiders record 10
4.;, and 1-0 i n the Patriot
Lc.iguc. This week. Colgate wel·
coincs three 1eams to Van Dore11
Field, looking 10 build on its cur•
rent two.game winning streak,
In last Friday night's match,
Co lgate opened the scoring at
23:57 when sophomore Lauren
Erickson scored her third goal of
1hc season on a lofting s hot from
35 yards out. Erickson ·s shot
foo led Holy Cross goalkeeper
Tiffany DcCoff'. who mistimed
her jump. allowing the ball to
s neak in just below the crossbar.
Colgate carried the lead in10
the half and never looked back.

Fidd Hockcy................. 23


Football Beats
Fordham On

McCune 1icd the school record

Sport• H ighligh ....... 20

In the second half, n fired up
Red Raider squad did not waste
any time adding to their lead. At
52: 48 , senior Sena Maziarz
scored the first of two goals,
when she beat DcCoff, by drilling her own rebound into the
buck of the net. Maziarz added
her second 1ally 12 minutes later
when she drilled a shot from 18
yards out into the right corner of
the net. The goals were her
fourth and fifth of the season.
Senior Yvonne Gyimah
capped 1hc scoring off with her
first goal of the season at 83:36
of the game. Gyimah received a
pass from first.year Kate Barrell
in the middle or the box and
nai led it behind the Crusader
Sophomore Jen Molina made
five saves in goal on the way 10
her 1hird shutout of 1he season .
In addition, sophomore Caitlin
Kummer preserved the shutout

by stopping a shot on a Holy
Cross rebound opportunity after
Molina made the initial save. In
addition to the difference on the
scoreboard. Colgate ou1shot
Holy Cross 23-8 and held a S-2
advan1age in corner kicks.
"It was a good win for us,''
Head Coach Kathy Brawn said.
•·we came out hard and got the
win . We faced a lot of tough
competition early in the season,
and that helped us get ready for
league play. We got a good win
over Holy Cross and I hope we
keep playing this way against
As a result of her two goals
against Holy Cross, Maziarz was
named the Brine/Patriot League
Offensive Player orthe Week. In
jus1 six games this season.
Maziarz hH scored five goals,
which matches her career high of
goals in a $Cason, set during her
,vn,inwd un palf' 21

- - • pair o( .... Saturday,

leadiDI Col1a1e to a rout of
-riailing Holy C.-. 11,c Salllcld,

c.., -

hu. --high Im:


The Red Raider golf squad
continued its winning streak,
coming out on top at last
weekend's Bucknell Invitational.
This is the second consecutive
win for the golf learn after win•
ning the Mike Bello Invitational
Tournament and plac ing third at
the Comell/Colga1e Invitational.
The field was composed or 18
teams, which included Lehigh.
St. Bonaventure, and Bucknell,
Colgate ended the first day in
fourth place, shooting a 299. but
they were able to come back on
the second day to shoot a 297
and win the tournament by three
strokes over Bucknell,
Individually. senior captain Eli
Zackheim tied for second place,
playing very well and shooting
a 145.
The other Red Raider golfers
also had impressive showings.
Sophomore Jesse Smith ended
up tied for fifth with a score of
147; fi rst-year Scan Cusick shot
a 150 to leave the tournament
tied in 11 th place, and junior Dan
Cappucci finished the weekend
tied in 30th place with a 154. As
always, senior Joe Leo provided
strong inspirational and emo·
tional support .
"We played very solid golf,"
Head Coach Brad Houston said.
"Any day in which our team
shoots under JOO is very good
and we shot under 300 both
The team as a whole has very
high hopes for the upcoming sea·
son. The main goal for the squad
is to win the ECAC Championships this fall . Colgate finished
second a1 last year's tournament,
losing by only one stroke.
Zackheim hopes to win the in·
dividual ECAC championships
for the third consecutive time; he
would be the first golfer to ever
achieve this feat. In 1hc long
term, the Red Raiders hope to
win the Pa1riot League and ulti·
mate ly play in the NCAA regional tournament.
..There is more talent than I
have ever seen on this team,"
Zackhcim said. ··This is 1he firsl
year that I've ever felt like we
arc going mto tournaments as a
favorite to win."
This weekend, Colgate heads
to 1he Williams Invitational
where they will face Skidmore,
Babson, Binghamton and Williams.
The ,cam is optimis1ic after
coming off the past two wins and
there is a strong possibility 1hat
it could also win this tournament. It is obvious thal 1he Red
Raider golf squad is very competi1ive and is very anxious to
build upon their early wins.
Houston recruited many first·
year students who could break
into 1he lineup at any 1ime.
Colgate hopes it posseses the
ta lent. s kills and de1ennination
necessary to accomplish all of
this year's goals, capture an e lu·
sive ECAC team championship
and take the collegiate golf
world by stonn.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.